Graham: UN Security Council certification of Iran embargo extension a ‘big mistake’

Sen. Lindsey GrahamLindsey Olin GrahamGraham: UN Security Council rejection of Iran’s arms embargo a ‘big mistake’ GOP senator draws fire from all sides on Biden, Obama-era probes Has Congress passed Russia’s policy? MORE (RS.C.) said the decision by the United Nations Security Council to extend the US request for an arms embargo against Iran was a “major mistake.”

“The United Nations Security Council has overwhelmingly rejected an extension of the Iranian arms embargo. This was a big mistake by the UN. It also makes a bigger conflict with Iran much more likely if they build up their military arsenal, ”Graham, a leading foreign policy chief, tweeted Saturday.

The rebellion comes a day after the Security Council voted in favor of the Trump administration’s to extend an arms embargo on Iran. The result was expected given opposition from Russia and China, which hold fetal power.

A Security Council resolution in 2015 approved in support of the nuclear deal between Iran and various world powers included a ban on the import and export of conventional weapons to and from Iran. That embargo has been imposed on lifting October 18.

Secretary of State Mike PompeoMichael (Mike) Richard PompeoNational Security Adviser: White House ‘hopeful’ more nations will follow UAE on Israel Pressure builds on US to respond to brutal collapse in Belarus Graham: UN Security Council rejects Iran arms embargo ‘large’ error ‘MAY and Brian Hook, his outgoing top ambassador to Iran, had launched a pressure campaign for months to persuade other countries to support the outbreak of the embargo, saying that lifting the ban would allow Iran to move weapons freely through the Middle East. -Eastern, including to its proxy powers, and more advanced weapons to buy from countries such as Russia and China.

Graham said the vote on Friday would make the Middle East more dangerous and set off potential conflicts.

“Iran is still the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. As the Iranian army grows, it launches a clash with Israel and others threatened by the Iranian regime. A stupid decision by the UN, ‘he said.

Pompeo struck the mood, too, calling it “unforgettable.”

“It has rejected a reasonable resolution to extend the 13-year-old arms embargo on Iran and paved the way for the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism to buy and sell conventional weapons without specific UN restrictions for the first time in more than a decade . The failure of the Security Council to act decisively in defense of international peace and security is unattainable, ‘he said in a statement.
