Gostranner Review: First Person Ninja Game One of the Best Platforms of 2020

First person platforms can be one of the most underrated genres in all gaming. Its entries are between few and far, but Gostranner This is proof that style deserves more attention. Gostranner It takes all the accuracy and skill usually limited to 2D platforms and adds as much speed and intensity as 2D games can struggle to express while pulling it into the first person without feeling like you’re missing out on accuracy.

For the game to fall into the “first person platform” category, it needs to be more than just a first-person game that needs to jump in from now on. A game like Halo is leapfrogging, but it would be a stretch to say that platforming is crucial for the game. Instead, as it shows throughout the experience, a basic element needs to be made specific platforming.

But, most games that fit this definition also use platforming for decoration to give a break from their main mechanic. In the last few years, there have been such games Doom Eternal, Where platforming only serves to distract from the simple joy of controlling monsters. In other cases, as The light of death – In which you are walking on a wall trying to escape the zombies and showing jumps from roof to roof – Platforming is better than the game’s melee-centric combat in that it often feels like a drag on a zombie fight. But rarely does platforming make up the bulk of a first-person game. In fact, in terms of the main title, may be the only notable example The corner of the glass And its sequel.

The rarity is understood. Platforms are all about information: how far is your next jump, and where you will need to go after you make it. Perspective in a first-person game is limited to what is directly in front of you, while the 2D platform will let you see more of the jumping puzzle before you start, or when you’re in the middle of it. Lack of this information in first-person games can make platforming difficult, and at worst it feels like trial and error, without the ability to correct any errors on the fly.

Also Gostranner The clever way of issues from this perspective is attributed to a brilliant mechanic. Players take control of cyborg ninja racing through the tower of the future. It has all the things you can expect from important platforms, such as running, sliding, mediums and grappling hooks. But the best and most unique mechanic of the game allows me to slow down as soon as I am in the medium. This is great for combat, lets me dodge bullets and capture the whole fantasy of a cybernetically advanced ninja, but that’s not its sole purpose.

A player running in the world of Gostranner

Image: One More Level, 3D Field, Slipgate Iron Works / All-in-Games, 505 Games

When things turn to platforming, the slowdown of time allows me to make small subtle improvements after already jumping. Not being able to see the whole jumping puzzle from the moment I entered the room, I got the ability to adjust on the fly. This makes the platforming with a combination of carefully executed moves and sp-of-the-f-the-improvisation to save the boated jump that I was far from the original guess.

Gostranner This also involves the mechanic in his limited combat. Everything is a hit, whether I cut the guard in half or die with a single loaf shot. This means that every enemy encounter is really a platforming puzzle where I figure out how to clean a room as safe as possible. This forces me to start looking at obstacles in very different ways. If I jump straight on someone, I’m probably dead, but if I jump behind them and then run up the wall, I can reach them before they aim properly at me.

Boss fights also channel the platforming focus, like I’m fighting with a giant computer. Instead of a normal fight, Encounter is about platforming around a computer’s laser defense grid. It’s an extreme challenge, especially compared to any other aspect of the game at the time, and requires full time for dozens of jumps in a row. Just missed an inch, and I’m back to the beginning of the phase. It’s exactly the type of boobs that would be perfect at home at the end of a particularly difficult 2D platform, but I’ve never tried it in person before, and it works brilliantly.

Hold your katana as you avoid lasers during the first boss fight in Gostranner

Image: One More Level, 3D Field, Slipgate Iron Works / All-in-Games, 505 games

Subsequent levels, this game seems like the perfect culmination of everything I’ve done so far. There are dozens of walls to run, grab grabling points to grab, and rooftop spaces to explore the perfect routes. Enemies are often gathered for the hardest possible combinations; To find my way around their guns, ields and swords I need to come up with strategies I have never thought of before.

There is something special about hurting something through the front space in person before a wall or platform. Compared to a 2D platform, the speed seems faster, the time is stiffer, and the penalty of losing a jump – the feeling of the ground rushing towards you as you fall – is more intense. Gostranner An excellent example of what happens is when a developer works within the limits of an understated style and draws the whole out of it in an excellent way.

Gostranner Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows PC, and Xbox One will be released on October 27. The game was reviewed on PC using the download code provided by 505 Games. Vox Media has a subsidiary partnership. This does not affect editorial content, although VOX Media may receive commissions for products purchased through affiliate links. You can find Additional information about Polygon Ethics Policy here.