Google Maps is one of the best ways to navigate the world, and it gets even better with more detailed views of natural features that more accurately reflect the Earth’s terrain. New views are coming on roads. as well as. which promised to make traveling the foot safer, easier and more efficient.

Thanks to advances in color mapping algorithmic technology, Google Maps captures satellite images and uses them to generate more comprehensive, vivid maps on a global scale. This update makes areas more fun to explore and gives you a better idea of ​​what kind of terrain you are traversing on your route. Natural features such as arid deserts, lush forests and endless oceans will look more realistic – you can even see snow caps on top of mountains.

Left: A view of Red Rock State Park in Arizona for Right: Same view after, with much more specific details

Along with more realistic views of natural features, Google adds highly detailed street information in an effort to help users get safer and more efficient. Soon you will be able to see exactly where sidewalks, sidewalks, and pedestrian islands are. More precise shapes and widths that match the scale of roads are also coming. These features will begin rolling out in the coming months in London, New York and San Francisco, and Google has plans to expand to additional cities later.

Pedestrian islands are visible in the new detailed street view, but they only come to a few cities at first.

While not all recent additions to Google Maps are the most useful, the service remains to the overwhelming majority of map users on mobile. It added directions to help bikeshare riders last month, and the ability to show where traffic lights are is in testing. (Hurry it and release it!) With today’s new features, Google Maps becomes even more valuable for world travelers and everyday travelers. Get ready for your next trip by downloading Google Maps from APK Mirror or the Play Store.

Maps - Navigate and explore
Maps - Navigate and explore