Google is adding dinosaurs to its 3D search models

You can use Google Search to find 3D models of animals, planets, astronauts, and even cell models and view them as if they were inside your own home. Now Google has announced a new entry to the growing party: dinosaurs. Ten models are presented to you through a collaboration between the search engine and Ludia’s mobile game Jurassic World, so you can have that T-Rex stomping your living room, if that’s an experience you’re dying to have.

Google says Ludia tried to make the models as realistic as possible. Study Character Creation Leader Camilo Sanin says: “Not only did we conduct research on various forms of literature, our artists also worked with paleontologists and the ‘Jurassic World’ team to make the assets as accurate and realistic as possible. possible. Even the smallest details, like skin color irregularities and patterns, are important. “

Here are all the dinosaurs you can see, with the corresponding Google search linked for your convenience. Just open the links on your phone or search for the terms through the Google / Chrome app and look for the “View in 3D” button.

If you still can’t see the 3D button in the results, don’t worry – Google seems to be implementing 3D models via a server-side switch, so not everyone can see the models right away.

Dinosaur models are also the first to take advantage of new technology that helps accommodate their size. When you move a 3D dinosaur model into your space, Google will automatically scale the animal to fit the viewfinder. By tapping the “View actual size” button, you’ll be able to quickly change to the correct scale, although a brachiosaurus probably won’t fit your average living room.

To share your AR Jurassic World experience, you can use Google’s new video capture feature for your 3D models. For a complete guide to all the 3D models the company offers, check out our summaries of animals and 3D objects. We will add the dinosaurs shortly.

Now let’s hope that Google has no ambitions to build a real Jurassic Park, because we have enough stuff this year without dinosaurs roaming the Earth.

Jurassic World Alive
Jurassic World Alive