Global Report: US Democrats Urged to Skip Convention as Covid-19 Cases Increase | Coronavirus outbreak

US Democrats have urged elected leaders and party delegates to skip the national convention in August as coronavirus cases rise, the New York Times reported, in what the newspaper says is “a sign of aspirations every reduced for their big campaign event against the spread of the virus. “

In an email to congressional aides, the convention committee’s senior adviser, Chasseny Lewis, wrote: “We have been working closely with state and local public health officials, as well as epidemiologists, and have made the difficult decision that members of Congress should not plan to travel to Milwaukee. “

Early Thursday, the Republican National Committee announced plans to cut its convention scheduled for next month in Jacksonville, Florida. He had moved the event from North Carolina before the Florida surge, hoping for fewer restrictions for the crowds.

RNC President Ronna McDaniel confirmed the update in a letter to convention delegates, noting that the organization will comply with local and federal health guidelines when adapting events.

“We still intend to host a fantastic convention celebration in Jacksonville,” he wrote. “We can come together and host a premier event that celebrates the incredible accomplishments of the President Trump administration and his new nomination for a second term, while also doing so in a safe and responsible manner.”

Decisions are made as the United States continues to record about 60,000 cases per day. According to data from the Johns Hopkins University coronavirus tracker, which is based on official government figures, the US has recorded more than 60,000 cases, and on one occasion nearly 70,000 cases, during six of the nine days leading up to 15 July, which is the most recent date for which a daily case number is confirmed on the tracker. Coronavirus cases are increasing in 41 states, and hospitalizations are increasing in 33 states, according to the Guardian analysis.

However, the Trump administration continues to advise schools to reopen. Earlier Thursday, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany defended Trump’s push to reopen schools, despite concerns about the spread of the coronavirus in the classroom. Several school officials have expressed concern about the possibility that students and staff members will contract the virus once in-person instruction resumes.

“Science should not get in the way of this,” McEnany said, adding moments later: “Science is on our side here.”

Around the world, countries are re-imposing localized restrictions as new clusters of viruses or outbreaks emerge. In Mexico, the authorities imposed local restrictions on mobility, commerce and leisure, particularly in popular tourist destinations, even as the government seeks to revive the battered economy. Mexico has 317,635 cases and 37,574 deaths.

In Spain, Catalan officials said Thursday that residents in three districts in Barcelona’s L’Hospitalet de Llobregat suburb must remain indoors amid a resurgence in cases. Residents on Wednesday said they would stay home in an area in and around the northeastern city of Lleida, a move that affects about 160,000 people. They are allowed to go out to go to work, buy food or medicine, or exercise.

In ColombiaDoctors are calling for a return to a strict city-wide quarantine to curb coronavirus infections in the capital, warning that medical services are about to collapse. The country has reported more than 165,000 coronavirus cases and around 6,000 deaths. Bogotá represents more than a third of the country’s total cases and more than 20% of their deaths, Reuters reports.

Bogotá’s intensive care units had just under 90% capacity as of Wednesday night, according to local government figures.

the Israeli The government has ordered a stricter national closure on weekends. People will be allowed to leave their homes this weekend, but shopping malls, stores, swimming pools, zoos and museums would be closed from next Friday afternoon until Sunday morning, the government said in a statement. Israel has 46,059 cases and 384 deaths.

In IndiaNew restrictions have been introduced in the western city of Pune and other states, including Uttar Pradesh, home to 200 million people, that have severely hit Tamil Nadu and Assam. The northern Indian state of Bihar, with a population of around 125 million people, started a 15-day blockade starting on July 16. The southern city and Bangalore IT center, home to more than 13 million people, also started a week-long lockdown on July 14.

The state of Victoria in Australia reported a record 428 new cases, 10 days after the Melbourne closure. The neighboring state of New South Wales tightened restrictions on bars, restaurants and meetings, as it reported eight new cases, six of which were community-transmitted. Australia has 10,810 cases and 113 deaths, according to the latest data from Johns Hopkins University.

Other key events include:

  • Russia On Thursday, he canceled his annual commemoration of the “Immortal Regiment” of those killed in World War II, in which thousands carry photographs of family members on the streets due to the coronavirus pandemic.

  • Spain ordered the removal of nearly 100,000 minks on a farm after confirming that many carried coronaviruses.

  • BrazilThe cases topped 2 million on Thursday, with little sign that the rate of increase is slowing, as anger over President Jair Bolsonaro’s handling of the outbreak increases.

  • Hong Kong It has recorded a record 67 new Covid-19 cases, in a growing outbreak that has seen the city reintroduce widespread restrictions.