The death toll from the coronavirus epidemic reached one million on Saturday, as many countries continue to struggle to eradicate the virus that has overwhelmed health care systems, weighted economies and daily life around the world.
Covid-19, a virus-causing disease, kills an average of more than 70,000 people every day in the U.S., leading the world in both confirmed cases and deaths. With more than seven million confirmed infections since the epidemic began, reported globally.1 More than 33.1 million cases have been reported in the U.S. More than 205,000 Americans have died.
“I hate to say that, but unfortunately more people are dying from this virus than I expected,” said Carlos del Rio, a professor of medicine at Emery University who focuses on infectious disease and global health. “I sometimes feel like we’ve just given up and the epidemic continues.”
Daily U.S. Reported the death of Kovid-19
Notes: For all 50 states and DC, U.S. Territories and cruises. Last updated
Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering
U.S. Daily Covid-19 cases were reported in
Note: For all 50 states and DC, U.S. Territories and cruises. Last updated
Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering
Johns Hopkins University figures show that the outbreak has been more fatal due to the percentage of cases in some other countries. More than 10% of the cases seen in Mexico have resulted in deaths. In Bolivia, France and Iran, the figure is higher than %%, while in the US the mortality rate is 9.9%. Reporting and testing capabilities vary worldwide, so the true extent of the virus can be overwhelming.
The disease has hit many developing countries hard, with millions losing their jobs and reaping the benefits of poverty. In Brazil, which accounts for the total number of deaths from the disease in the U.S. Then came the second, in which 1,140,000,000 people died. In India, where the total number of infections is over six million, about 1,000 people are infected with the virus in a single day.
Since emerging in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the virus has spread worldwide. The government is aiming for a lockdown whose spread is stalled by the catastrophic economic downturn that is ongoing.
Del Del Rio blamed much of the current situation on US and foreign political leaders, including President Trump. He pointed to some countries that have managed to stop the spread of the virus despite limited resources. In South Korea and New Zealand, for example, only 2.5 new cases a day have been reported in the last two weeks.
U.S. Outbreak monitoring
Cases confirmed by the state, ranked by the latest full day count
Daily confirmation cases per 100,000 inhabitants
Note: The trend indicates that the total number of cases in the state has increased or decreased in the last seven days as compared to the previous seven days. Last updated
Sources: Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering; Lancet; Associated Press; U.S. Calculation
Per 100,000 people, an average of new daily Covid-19 cases in recent weeks
Note: Last updated . Negative values are due to improved statistics.
Sources: Johns Hopkins University (Case); Census Bureau (Population)
Mr. Trump has consistently given his administration high marks for its response to the coronavirus.
He announced that the U.S. Monday is a “corner round”, as it announces new details of plans to distribute 1 million crore faster coronavirus tests in the states.
“By enabling healthy Americans to return to work, we have focused on protecting vulnerable people,” he said, reiterating his promise to provide vaccines in record time.
Public health officials warn of an increase in the number of new cases, as the UK and US Many countries have failed to stop the virus just before the winter flu season and the expected resurgence of coronavirus has occurred.
Officials in the UK last week announced new lockdown measures to combat the rise in infections. In New York City, U.S. The center of infection in the early weeks of the epidemic, long before the virus was brought under control by a long lockout, the rate of new cases in the last two weeks was rising by Sunday, data show.
Medical experts said the effects of the virus could also lead to an increase in deaths from other causes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says stress, economic stress, and the risk of being hospitalized during an epidemic are factors that increase U.S. mortality from heart attack, stroke, and diabetes.
Dr. Del Rio said states failed to conduct even faster testing and order wearing masks than schools and businesses began to reopen, Drs. Said Del Rio.
The latest move by Florida government Ron Decentis to lift all restrictions on sitting in a restaurant and impose a penalty for failing to wear a mask is not a strategy, said Dr. Flor Ler Rio. “It simply came to our notice then. We keep making the same mistakes. ”
Mr. Descentis said Friday that Florida is ready to move forward as new daily case counts and hospital admissions begin in the state, although economic activity has increased and schools and theme parks across the state have reopened.
Understanding coronavirus
Health experts say U.S. The virus has become difficult to control due to the patchwork of confusing and sometimes conflicting rules, and cases have increased during the summer. The most effective way to fight the epidemic is a consistent national approach, epidemiologists say.
With months of vaccination still to come, extensive mask use, extensive testing, and effective contact tracing are seen as integral to helping prevent spread and further shutdown.
Dr. “It will only go away if we put an end to it,” Dale Rio said, referring to Mr. Trump’s public comments that the coronavirus would disappear on its own and that there was an effective response to the U.S. epidemic. . “I believe that if you repeat something enough, it finally feels like reality. But that is not the reality. “
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Improvement and amplification
A photograph of the New York City restaurant was taken on Friday in the earlier version of this article. The caption incorrectly stated that it was taken Saturday. (Revised Sept. 28)
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