Yagbonwura Confirmed President of the Savannah Regional House of Chiefs


Regional news for Friday, October 23, 2020

Source: ananpansah b. Abraham collaborator


Yagbonwura Tutumba Boresa I, King and Chairman of the Traditional Council of GonjaYagbonwura Tutumba Boresa I, King and Chairman of the Traditional Council of Gonja

Yagbonwura Tutumba Boresa I, King and Chairman of the Gonja Traditional Council, has been unanimously confirmed as Chairman of the newly opened Savannah Regional House of Chiefs.

Similarly, the Supreme Head of the Buipe Traditional Area and Vice Chairman of the Gonja Traditional Council, Buipewura Abdulai Mahama Jinapor II, was confirmed as the Vice Chairman of the Savannah Regional House Chiefs.

The other National Representatives of the Heads of the Savannah Regional Chamber are the Supreme Head of the Kpembe Traditional Area, Kpembewura Bangbage (IV); The Supreme Chief of the Kusawgu Traditional Area, Kusawgu Wura Sulemana Samuel Kunkarga; Supreme Chief of the Kong Traditional Area, Kongwura Adamu Seidu Jinkurige I and Kikpandewura Kanyiti II of the Kikpandi Traditional Area, representing the Chiefs of the North Moi Traditional Council.

The Elections Commission confirmed the nominees in a brief ceremony held at the Eco Lodge in Damongo, the regional capital of Savannah.

The five confirmed nominees led by Yagbonwura will represent the Savannah Regional House of Chiefs in the National House of Chiefs. They must also represent the voices of the Savannah Regional Chiefs House on a national level.

In a speech read on his behalf by Buipewura Abdulai Mahama Jinapor II, the confirmed president of the House of Heads of the Savannah Region – His Royal Majesty Yagbonwura Tutumba Boresa, I called on the chamber to support the newly confirmed leadership in bringing about change and bring social, cultural, economic and traditional development to the people of the Savannah region.

He indicated to members that various committees of the Savannah Region House of Chiefs would be established in due course, calling on the chamber to do their best when the time comes.

“… In due course, various house committees will be established and all members should be enduring and preparing their minds and bodies to effectively perform at full capacity, to the best of their knowledge and belief, on committees in others to provide the development needed to improve livelihoods in the Savannah region. While I am convinced of the tangent we are moving on, I ask all members to surrender without any element of bias and influence in taking responsibility, “he said .

He admonished members and, in particular, young people to embrace peace before, during and after the December elections.

The king congratulated the Chairman of the Inaugural Planning Committee, Kpembewura, and all the committee members for demonstrating competence in the performance of their duties.

On Wednesday, September 23, 2020, the Vice President of the Republic of Ghana, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia inaugurated the new Regional Chief’s House for the Savannah Region following the creation of the Savannah Region.

Until now, the traditional rulers of the Savannah region belonged to the former House of Chiefs of the North Region, which has been reconstituted to reflect their new status.

In all, 34 members, including Yagbonwura, make up the Savannah Regional House of Chiefs. However, eight of the total number are co-opted non-voting members, leaving a total of 26 voting members.

However, the Bole Traditional Council boycotted the meeting pending some unresolved issues that were presented to the Savannah Region Chiefs House for repair.

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