Why the Kpone boss pulled out of the Akufo-Addo turf start-up event


General news for Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Source: www.ghanaweb.com


Kpone's boss left the event unhappy with some concerns.play the videoKpone’s boss left the event unhappy with some concerns.

More is developing on the events related to the alleged “departure” of the head of Kpone Katamanso, Nii Tetteh Otu II, at the lawn mowing ceremony for the construction of a district hospital in Kpone.

According to media reports, the boss, who was not enthusiastic about the artist’s impression of the project he taught was a one-story building, left the event and not even the plea of ​​his council of elders would convince him not to do so.

The Chief’s spokesman [Okyeame]However, he has been seen in a video, which was apparently recorded after Nii Tetteh Out II’s departure. It appears that the Okyeame stayed behind to relay an information from the chief to President Akufo-Addo.

According to him, Nii Tetteh Otu II was tired of the president’s lawn mowing ceremonies.

The Okyeame also revealed that the Chief of Kpone Katamanso wants the promises to be kept and implemented.

“Someone like Kpone Mantse doesn’t want anything on paper, he wants something on the ground. All it does is talk, but it is the implementation we want. We want implementation and on the ground, ”said the Chief’s spokesman in a video seen by Ghanaweb.

The Chief’s spokesman expressed concern about how politicians have not kept their promises to the community.

“Often when we come to these times [elections] you cut grass, innovative. So what is the difference between innovating and mowing the lawn? ” I ask.

The Okyeame went ahead to poke fun at Akufo-Addo’s lawn mowing ceremony saying that “I have added another English that is knife cutting instead of grass cutting. If not, then we will go to the blade cut or launch from start-up, then I added another scissor cut. “

“We have heard these words for too long and today you also said that you would cut the lawn,” he concluded.

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