WHO Survey Shows Increase in Demand for Mental Health Services in Africa Amid Covid-19 Pandemic


The World Health Organization (WHO) conducted a survey in 28 African countries as part of the first global review of the devastating impact of Covid-19 on access to mental health services.

Of the responding countries in the African region, 37% reported that their Covid-19 mental health response plans are partially funded and another 37% reported that they have no funding at all. Underlines the urgent need for more funding.

This comes as the Covid-19 pandemic increases the demand for mental health services.

WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr. Matshidiso Moeti said that “isolation, loss of income, death of loved ones and a barrage of information about the dangers of this new virus can stir stress levels and trigger problems. mental health or exacerbate existing ones.

“The Covid-19 pandemic has demonstrated, more than ever, how mental health is integral to health and well-being and must be an essential part of health services during outbreaks and emergencies.”

Dr. Moeti spoke during a virtual press conference organized by APO Group. She was joined by Hon. Dr. Manaouda Malachie, Minister of Public Health of Cameroon; and Dr. Naeem Dalal, Registrar of Psychiatrists, Teaching University Hospital, Lusaka.

African countries account for 15 of the top 30 countries in the world in suicide per 100,000 people.

While there is little data on how Covid-19 is increasing mental health conditions on the African continent, a study in South Africa found that between 10 and 20% of the 220 people surveyed reported powerful experiences of anxiety and fear as a result of the pandemic.

Another survey of 12,000 women in low-income communities in Uganda and Zambia found an increase in persistent stress, anxiety and depression.

The WHO assessment of mental health services was carried out in July and August 2020 and 27 of the 28 African nations that responded have included mental health in their response plans to Covid-19, underscoring the growing recognition of the importance of this area of ​​health once neglected.

In Africa, substance use disorder services were the mental health services that faced the greatest disruptions. The main causes of the interruptions were due to no-shows, travel restrictions that hampered access to healthcare facilities, and a decrease in patient volume due to elective care cancellations.

While globally, up to 70% of countries have responded to the challenges posed by Covid-19 with telemedicine, in Africa governments have established counseling helplines and increased training of key health responders in basic psychosocial skills.

Even before the pandemic, the region had one of the lowest rates of public spending on mental health, less than 10 cents per capita.

With increasing pressure on health systems and increasing demand, mental health services that are under-resourced and underfunded are under increasing pressure.

“Covid-19 is adding to a long-standing mental health care crisis in Africa. Leaders must urgently invest in mental health services that save lives, ”said Dr. Moeti.

“We also need more action to provide better information and education on mental health, to boost and expand services, and to improve social and financial protection for people with mental disorders, including laws to guarantee human rights for all.”

The WHO Regional Office for Africa has published a guide on Covid-19 management and mental health for healthcare workers and the general public. WHO is helping African governments respond to the pandemic based on their unique circumstances.
