General news for Saturday, October 10, 2020
Source: Alhaji Iddi Muhayu-Deen, Contributor
The ruling nuclear power plant has put up the strongest defense yet of its performance in government, arguably firmly because it has served its first term and therefore deserves a second term to do more. This party position was succinctly articulated by party representatives, led by its Secretary General, John Boadu, in an IEA Policy Dialogue on the 2020 PNP Manifesto held on Thursday, October 8, 2020 in the auditorium of the Institute.
The dialogue brought together people from academia, industry, civil society organizations, security and governance institutions, the media, and other stakeholders to engage with the New Patriotic Party (PNP) on the highlights of its 2020 Manifesto. Party representatives also responded to participants’ questions and gave more and better details about the means through which the party was to implement the Manifesto commitments.
John Boadu, the NPP scribe-in-chief, set the stage for the party’s presentation and provided an overview of the 2020 PNP Manifesto which is based on the theme “SERVICE LEADERSHIP: Protect our progress, transform Ghana for all”. He painted a vivid picture of the state of Ghana inherited by the Akufo-Addo government, including the poorly managed financial sector; debilitating dummy crisis and high water and electricity tariff regime.
He mentioned the other evils of the John Mahama administration, including the worsening unemployment situation; NHIS collapse; unprecedented levels of corruption; inability of the government to meet its financial obligations, such as payment of utility subsidies and apprenticeship allowance, economic mismanagement, resulting in a total freeze of public sector employment, collapsing businesses, unprecedented economic difficulties and the need to go to the IMF for a bailout in order to survive.
These evils, according to John Boadu, have been largely addressed by the Akufo-Addo government for 3 1/2 years. He proceeded to chronicle some of the government’s historic achievements, including the famous Free SHS policy, 1D1F, Planting for Food and Jobs, the Pwalugu Dam project, the renovation of the NHIS, the restoration of the apprenticeship allowance. , NABCO, and a competent economic transformation and management culminating in Ghana will successfully exit the IMF by 2019.
Speaker after speaker also took turns presenting a strong case from the Akufo-Addo government for having served its mandate and shown a strong commitment to implement its 2020 Manifesto promises. GIPC CEO Yofi Grant spoke extensively on the specifics of the Manifesto 2020 sector, while Dr. Nsiah Asare, the Presidential Health Advisor, was concerned about the progress made by the government in its handling of Covid-19. pandemic.
For his part, Charles Adu Boahene, Deputy Minister of Finance, justified the government’s intervention in the banking sector, which, he said, has resulted in a strong viability of the sector to withstand even all kinds of shocks, including those caused by the deadly Covid – 19 pandemic.
Similarly, Deputy Minister of Education Dr. Osei Adu-Twum defended the government’s undefeated record in the education sector, including the award-winning Free SHS policy and all associated issues. The NPP’s Policy Dialogue team also included Mr. Evron Hughes, Economic Technical Advisor in the Office of the Vice President.
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