Warning of “apocalyptic” increase in non-Covid-19 waiting lists


Plans are being drawn up to treat thousands of non-Covid-19 infected patients as the health service tries to catch up after two months in which normal services were shut down.

The move comes when a high-ranking doctor warned of an “apocalyptic” increase in hospital waiting lists in the coming months as the profession struggles to perform operations while keeping patients separate to stop the spread of the coronavirus. .

The number of procedures that can be carried out safely every day is likely to be halved as strict social distancing and other infection control measures are implemented, said Dr. Gabrielle Colleran, vice president of the Association for Irish Hospital Consultants.

Patients requiring treatment for urgent conditions like heart problems and cancer will be prioritized under the new approach, officials said Sunday.

Health Service Executive (HSE) chief executive Paul Reid promised to publish the plan, but did not say when it will be completed.

Reid said hospital occupancy levels would have to be limited to 80 percent, rather than the normal level of more than 95 percent, to allow safe levels of operation.

Much of the treatment for non-Covid-19 patients will be administered in private hospitals, which are currently working at a third of their capacity.

Second wave

However, Mr. Reid said that the spare capacity would have to be kept in the system in the event of a second wave of the virus later this year.
