The son of former President JJ Rawlings, Kimathi Rawlings, has revolutionized social media with his photos as Ghanaian women drool over him.
Last Sunday, Kimathi and her sister Zenator Rawlings showed their support for the vigil organized by the NDC in honor of their father, Rawlings. Apparently, this was the second time that Kimathi made a public appearance as Rawlings’ son.
He took a front seat next to his sister as the vigil continued. The photos that have appeared online have caused some Ghanaian women to speak up and fall in love with the young man.
Victoria Hamah, former deputy minister of Mahama, has also taken to social media to express her feelings for the beautiful Kimathi.
She wrote, ‘Kimathi is single? Please just ask about my beautiful cousin ooooo. If we get am for my family, we go like paapa waa and I even add the Rawlings to my name: Victoria Lakshmi Hamah-Rawlings’

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