Northern Regional Police Commander, DCOP Timothy Yoosa Bonga, has notified that police personnel will mercilessly treat any vigilante group that emerges on December 7 at any voting center.
“We assure the public that we are ready to deal with any vigilante group, anyone who crosses our path we will crush that person, we are not here for a joke, we are here for serious business and we are assuring the public that we have enough men capable that will crush any group of vigilantes that arises, we will not forgive anyone, we will treat anyone who interrupts or creates a crisis.
He assured the general public to feel safe and go out in his number on December 7 and cast his vote without any fear because the police will be available to provide security to the public.
The North Regional Police Commander indicates that they are treating all polling stations in the region as a flash point to avoid surprises in the general elections of well on December 7.
“Today what you consider a flash point, tomorrow it may not be a flash point and as there is interest and at each voting station we are handling each voting station as a flash point and we will treat them as such so that they do not take us . by surprise.”
The police chief hinted that the electoral team has adequate resources, adding that the patrol and reserve teams are adequately prepared for the general elections on December 7.
He called on all police personnel who will be deployed on Election Day to stay engaged and dedicate themselves to the December 7 general elections.
“I want to cheer on all of you, it’s just a day or two, sacrifice yourself, go the extra mile and do your best for mother Ghana.”
DCOP Bonga assured law enforcement personnel that they will be provided with all necessary covid-19 protocol security materials to ensure they are safe during and after the elections.
However, he stressed that all security personnel who will be deployed for the elections will have an identification band for identification.
“Some people are planning to do bad things by imposing themselves as security officers to do duty during these elections, so the only thing that will set you apart from any imposter is your duty band, so if you go somewhere without a band of duty, will be taken as a false officer, the guard band is very important, do not run out of it. ”
So far, around 884 sources of inflammation have been identified in 1,943 polling stations in the Northern Region before the general elections on December 7.
—Daily guide