Entertainment on Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Source: GH base
Wendy Shay says that some industry players are harassing her from left to right and central that they have money in hand for her in exchange for meat.
According to her, after ignoring their nuances, criticisms and jokes, the insatiable desire for attention and fame of these artists has led them to want to pay for a musical fight.
Revealing this on her Twitter timeline, Wendy Shay said that there are no shortcuts in the music industry, so those who are after her with money for attention should stop cheating and work hard.
“So this Artiste has been shadowing me from left to right, they don’t care, now they want to pay me to fight them for attention. Wow, what happened to the hard work? success in this music industry … so work hard and stop being silly!
So this Artiste has been shadowing me from left to right, they don’t care, now they want to pay me to fight them for attention. Wow, what happened to the hard work? Listen very carefully, there are no shortcuts to success in this music industry … so work hard and stop cheating! #HIT
– Reina Shay (@wendyshaygh) September 22, 2020
It is unknown who Wendy Shay is referring to, but it is obvious that the attention and time of the ‘Queen of Music of Ghana’ are for the highest bidder.
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