The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has called on the Ghana Immigration Service to intensify its operations against the illegal migration of young people into the country.
The EU, together with the IOM, has supported the government of Ghana over the years with public education teams at the various Migration Information Centers across the country in an attempt to reduce irregular crossings into Europe.

However, the problem persists as more and more young people due to economic conditions are forced to embark on dangerous journeys across the Sahara and the Mediterranean towards Europe in search of greener pastures.
Speaking at the Immigration Service headquarters where the two organizations donated some public education equipment to the Ghana Immigration Service, IOM Ghana Chief Sylvia Lopez-Ekra said that the safest way to deal with this worrying phenomenon is to intensify education about illegal immigration and encourage young people to use the right channels.
He said that even though migration has enormous potential for development, when done incorrectly, it could have negative impacts.

“Migration affects the lives of people, communities and countries; it is both a community strategy and an opportunity for economic improvement. Migration has enormous potential for development. However, when migration is poorly managed, it can have negative impacts, ”he said.
However, he said that by raising awareness about the risks of illegal migration, young people could be deterred from going ahead with these dangerous journeys.

“Therefore, awareness of the risk of irregular migration and the opportunities that might be available in Ghana for young people becomes increasingly crucial, especially during these difficult times of a global pandemic in which we find ourselves.
“If people are more aware of the dangers of traveling safely through the Sahara desert or crossing the Mediterranean Sea in an attempt to reach Europe, people may be more careful before making migration decisions.”