Opinions on Thursday, November 12, 2020
Columnist: Kingdom Loyalist Movement
The Kingdom Loyalists Movement (KLM) has observed with deep disgust the waste and uselessness of the Special Prosecutor’s office since the appointment of Martin Amidu as special prosecutor was created and believes that it should be annulled to save national resources.
Most Ghanaians, including the clergy, had a high expectation that the creation of the SP office would, if it did not end corruption in the country, it would drastically reduce it by treating the most and ruthlessly to people involved in corruption to serve as a deterrent to others on the spot.
However, in the last almost four years since the Akufo Addo government created the office and appointed Mr. Amidu to the office, absolutely nothing significant has been achieved after all the assurances given to Ghanaians that corrupt citizens would be dealt with.
We in the Kingdom Loyalists Movement think that the office is a waste of national resources, as it has failed Ghanaians in their main objectives as a special office to deal with special cases of corruption.
We hereby ask the President to repeal and suspend the operation of the Special Prosecutor’s Office and use the resources for a lucrative enterprise for the benefit of Ghanaians.
“What has the special prosecutor and his office done since its creation and appointment? Absolutely nothing and all Ghanaians are witnesses to this obvious fact. “
The government should justify to us why taxpayers’ money should be wasted in a failed office while there are urgent needs.
We are hearing corruption cases almost every day in this country, but not a single prosecution, so why should the SP office keep coming out to waste resources?
It is not about campaign promises, but about service to the good people of Ghana.
We hope that the president will see the need to do what we are demanding.
Signed: Prophet Oberempong CP -President (0202682846)
Signed: Spokesperson-Evangelist Emmanuel Abankwah AKA Olumanba (020 434 7987)
Secretary General, Rev. Nana Takyi Asiedu (024 472 1767)
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