NSMQ 2020: Boa Amponsem SHS debuts in the semifinals


Boa Amponsem SHS has qualified for her first place in the semifinals on the National Science and Mathematics Exam (NSMQ) by eliminating GSTS and St Margaret Mary SHS from the competition.

Benedict Owusu and Franklin Appoh, who represented Boa Amponsem SHS on Friday, made history by securing first place in the semifinal stage for their school.

Although it was a fierce competition, the preparation of the brave warriors was evident when winners emerged at the end of the competition.

It was a tug of war in Round One with Boa Amponsem SHS and GSTS securing 13 points respectively. St Margaret Mary SHS was behind with 5 points.

GSTS fell earlier than expected in the second round with 7 points. At the top was the school of the central region with 14 points.

At the end of the group with 3 points were the boys from St Margaret Mary SHS.

With no plans to give up the leadership position, Boa Amponsem SHS secured 2 points on the scoreboard in the third round.

The ‘Problem of the Day’ did not favor GSTS, who achieved just one point with St Margaret Mary SHS scoring zero.

In the fourth round, Boa Amponsem SHS outscored her contenders with a 9-point margin.

St Margaret Mary SHS collected in this round and secured 14 points. GSTS got 17 points on the scoreboard.

Riddle’s round spooked Boa Amponsem SHS when St Margaret Mary SHS performed a few tricks to earn 24 points.

However, Boa Amponsem fought back strongly and led the pack with 27 at the end of the contest eliminating GSTS with 14 points and St Margaret Mary SHS from the NSMQ race.
