Strengthening environmental regulations must be a key element in the UK’s recovery from the coronavirus crisis to help prevent the spread of future pandemics, says a group of multi-party MPs, and bailouts for industries must contain strict conditions on its future environmental performance.
Scientists say the expansion of intensive agriculture, mining, and infrastructure around the world has contributed to diseases spreading from wildlife to people. The 26 MPs want the government to learn this lesson and encourage better agriculture, help developing countries stop deforestation, and provide funds for poor countries to improve their health systems.
In a letter, organized by Caroline Lucas, a Green Party deputy, they ask the chancellor to provide funds and to recognize in his economic recovery plans that human health depends on that of animals, plants and the environment, and that modify finances. system to protect nature.
Lucas said: “For too long, governments have ignored the link between disease onset and climate change or loss of biodiversity, without acknowledging that human health also depends on the health of animals, plants and our shared environment. . If our economic system continues to push the natural world towards destruction and fueling the climate emergency, we will be increasingly vulnerable to future pandemics. “
Parliamentarians are calling for environmental regulations to be strengthened and enforced, and for any financial support for industries such as aviation and intensive agriculture to be conditional on commitments to environmental sustainability. They also call for better healthcare financing and an approach to economic decision-making that takes into account environmental and health concerns, including the full costs and consequences of policies for people and nature.
His letter follows a warning last month from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity, which said the recent pandemics were the direct consequence of human activity. Scientists warned: “Future pandemics are likely to occur more frequently, spread more quickly, have a greater economic impact, and kill more people if we are not very careful about the potential impacts of the choices we make today.”
Parliamentarians said systems that valued economic growth above other considerations would disregard the need to protect the natural environment.
Lucas said: “You cannot negotiate with a pandemic. If we want to avoid the worst in the future, the reconstruction of our economies as a result of Covid-19 must be based on development that respects the natural limits of the Earth and recognizes our own need. of a healthy natural environment. “
He criticized the decision to rescue easyJet and said that unconditional support for industries that fueled deforestation, destroyed natural habitats or harmed the climate would cause problems.
The 26 signatories included Sir Edward Davey, acting co-leader of the Liberal Democrats; Plaid Cymru Westminster Leader Liz Saville Roberts; the SNP; and seven Labor MPs, including Clive Lewis. No conservative MP has signed the letter.