The 76th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) unanimously passed a resolution that reaffirms the unwavering commitment of airlines to reconnect the planet safely and sustainably.
The resolution called on governments to: Ensure the viability of the industry with continued financial and regulatory support, Help the industry achieve its 2050 goal of reducing emissions to half of 2005 levels while exploring pathways to net zero emissions of carbon through economic stimulus investments in the commercialization of sustainable aviation. Fuel (SAF), working with airlines to ensure safety standards and critical skills are maintained both during the crisis and in the subsequent restart and expansion of operations.
“COVID-19 has devastated the balance sheets of our member airlines and we need continued support from the government to allow the aviation industry to restart and rebuild connectivity.
Without the economic benefits that aviation offers, the global economic recovery will be much weaker and slower, ”said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA Director General and CEO.
Financial support The need for financial support is critical.
Governments have already provided $ 173 billion to airlines, but many programs are running out as the COVID-19 crisis continues much longer than anticipated.
“The $ 173 billion in financial support has saved countless jobs and prevented massive bankruptcies.
This was an investment in recovery, not just for the airlines but for the economy as a whole.
Each aviation job supports 29 others.
A full global recovery from this crisis will be significantly compromised without the economic catalyst of aviation, ”said de Juniac.
During the crisis, airlines have cut costs by almost half, but revenues have plummeted even faster.
Airlines are expected to lose $ 118.
5 billion in 2020 and another $ 38.
7 billion in 2021, turning into positive cash only at the end of 2021.
“More support will be needed to move the industry forward.
And it must be presented in ways that do not further increase debt, which has already skyrocketed from $ 430 billion in 2019 to $ 651 billion in 2020, ”de Juniac said.
Sustainability Airlines reconfirmed its commitment to reduce net CO2 emissions to half of 2005 levels by 2050.
The Air Transport Action Group (ATAG) groundbreaking Waypoint 20501 report, contributed to by IATA and other aviation stakeholders, said that the aviation industry is exploring ways to collectively achieve net zero emissions.
This is the first time the industry has collectively considered a future with net zero emissions.
“Achieving our goal of reducing our net emissions to half of 2005 levels will be challenging, but we know it can be done.
And we are increasingly confident that the industry can find a path to net zero emissions, ”de Juniac said.
Aviation will need the support of governments to make the energy transition to SAF necessary to achieve its climate change goal.
Compared to fossil fuels, SAF can reduce life cycle carbon emissions by up to 80%.
“Aviation will depend on liquid fuels to drive operations through 2050, especially for the long-haul fleet.
SAF is the viable decarbonization option.
Putting economic stimulus funds behind the development of a large-scale competitive SAF market would be a triple win: creating jobs, fighting climate change and connecting the world in a sustainable way, ”de Juniac said.
Government support should be aimed at closing a significant cost gap that results in SAF being up to four times more expensive than traditional jet kerosene.
This has limited its use to about 0.
1% of the total fuel rise.
The resolution also urged governments to avoid taxes and charges that are inefficient policy instruments to promote sustainability.
“Taxes are not the way to go to mitigate climate change.
Too often, funds raised from environmental taxes are not used directly to combat climate change.
Clearly, the best way forward is for governments to help build a viable SAF industry, ”de Juniac said.
Security The IATA membership also reiterated its commitment to security.
In the crisis, this is evidenced in the comprehensive takeoff guide published by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) with the support of IATA and other industry stakeholders.
This lays the foundation for the harmonized implementation of a multi-layered approach to keeping travelers and crew safe.
While 86% of current travelers report that they feel confident with the new measures, there is still work to be done for their universal implementation.
The resolution further called on governments to work with airlines to maintain safety standards and critical skill levels during the crisis and on a safe restart and expansion of operations in recovery.
“We must carefully plan with regulators how to safely accelerate operations in the event of recovery.
Reactivating thousands of aircraft on the ground, managing the qualifications and training of millions of licensed personnel, and handling a significant flight of experienced workers will be key to a safe restart.
From the early stages of the crisis, we worked with ICAO and regulators on a framework to do this.
And this work continues as the crisis continues beyond expectations, “said De Juniac.