Regional news for Monday, March 22, 2021
Source: Kwansima Okuru Mine, Collaborator
The Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Ghana, through its Migration and Diaspora Program, held a one-week multi-stakeholder dialogue workshop to validate the action plans of its partners on the implementation of the National Migration Policy Labor.
The workshop was also used to validate a study report commissioned by the Ministry of the Interior and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) for the establishment of the Ghana National Migration Commission (GNCM), one of the main recommendations of the Policy National Migration Agency of Ghana. to change the rules of the game in Ghana’s efforts to drive migration for national development.
The multi-stakeholder workshop brought together key state and non-state participants, including the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, the National Population Council, the Trade Union Congress, the Association of Ghana Employers, the Center. for Migration Studies, IOM Ghana, among others, to follow up on a GIZ Ghana supported for three days for capacity building and awareness raising of the technical working group on labor migration held in November 2020.
In her remarks, the Senior National Coordinator of the Migration and Diaspora Program in GIZ Ghana, Abena Owusua Amponsah-Bio, commended the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations, the lead ministry, for their leadership in developing the National Labor Migration Policy and others interested in the tremendous role they have played so far in the realization of the National Labor Policy that will be launched soon.
She said: “GIZ – PMD will continue to engage with you in our collective effort to support the Government of Ghana in the migration governance policy space. We look forward to the type of collaboration that is fostered at this event in the many more collaborations to come. ”
He expressed GIZ Ghana’s resolve to work with all partners on behalf of the German government.
For her part, IOM Chief of Mission (Ghana, Togo and Benin), Ms. Abibatou Wane-Fall, pledged IOM’s continued support to the Ministry in developing the policy. He said that “good governance of labor migration is key in Ghana, as well as in the region and, of course, around the world. Ghana is a country of origin, transit and destination, and faces both opportunities and challenges with regard to migration ”.