GES will publish the location of the 2020 BECE candidates on Sunday, February 28


The Ghana Education Service has announced that the 2020 Computerized School Selection and Placement System (CSSPS) in Secondary Schools and Technical and Vocational Education and Training Schools (TVETS) will be released on Sunday, February 28, 2021.

In a statement issued by the Service, of the total of 533,693 registered candidates, 494,530 candidates qualified to be placed.

While 343, 264 of the candidates were automatically assigned to one of the schools of their choice, 151,266 qualified candidates could not be matched with any of their options.

Therefore, the Service has instructed such students “to undertake an autonomous placement to select from the available schools.”

To verify their placement, GHS students should follow these steps:

1. Obtain a location PIN code from an approved provider.

2. After obtaining a PIN code, go to

3. Enter the ten-digit index number and add 20 as the end year. For example: 1234567890twenty

4. Enter the pin code details (serial number and pin)

5. Click submit and wait for the location to appear.

6. Print the form if it has been posted and visit the school to begin the admissions process.

However, for the 151,266 qualified candidates who could not be assigned to any of their selected schools, GHS noted that they will be redirected to the self-placement portal where they will be asked to answer a few questions.

“The Ghana Education Services administration wishes to assure all students, especially those who were unable to match their options during automatic placement, parents and the general public, that all schools with seats have been loaded. on the portal for students to choose seamless self-placement, “the statement added.
