General news for Sunday, November 22, 2020
Source: 3 News
The Election Commission will publish on Monday, November 23, the complete lists of people who will probably not be able to vote on December 7 as a result of violations of the voter registration regulations.
These people are said to have participated in multiple registrations or committed some infractions regarding the new registration made earlier this year according to CI 126.
The list will be published on the Commission’s website.
Approximately 18,619 are on the list of multiples, while 14,002 are on the list of exceptions, making a total of 32,621 as delivered to Parliament on Saturday 7th November by Commission President Jean Mensa.
“The law requires us to publish this list, but for the sake of transparency, the Commission will publish this list on the website on Monday, the 30,000 people who make up the list of exemptions and multiples,” Ms Mensa told the Council of Been on Friday, November 20, when he met with members to brief them on his team’s preparation for the December 7 elections.
“We intend to post this on the website.”
Approximately 51 of these people have already challenged the Commission in court and have their names returned to the registry.
The president of the Commission had clarified that the lists do not represent unique persons who have found their names in the registry, but rather the number of times that multiple registrations or a violation occurred.
“I am pleased to note that a good number of them went beyond the decisions of the DRRO, which is a magistrate, and went to court to seek redress and we noted them with pleasure. . . putting 51 people who challenged his objections [on]to the registry. That decision has been reversed and their names have been included in the registry, ”he told Parliament on Saturday, November 7.
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