Dobayou’s black hole of credentials and ignorance


For weeks, the Deputy Executive Director of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Randall Dobayou, has been going insane with blatant ignorance about how EPA works in handling the Agency’s affairs that caused losses to the entity and land cash in your pocket. The recent fine imposed on York Trading Incorporated for over four (4) years of illegal importation of dangerous chemicals into Liberia and failure to comply with the Agency’s requirements is a classic case. Dobayou clandestinely collaborated with York Trading Incorporation to pay the government a fine of $ 1,400.00 for importing dangerous chemicals into Liberia instead of an amount between $ 10,000 and $ 50,000.00. He has argued that the decision stemmed from a technical report recommendation that violates the Environmental Protection Management Act (EPML).

During his appearance on Wednesday, April 29, 2020 in Spoon FM, the Deputy Executive Director alluded to the fact that York Trading Incorporation fully presented the report of the required Environmental Management Plan and complied with the Environmental Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Process, which is a legal requirement prior to EPA approval of York Trading Incorporated’s request to import chemicals.

According to him, this is one of the reasons why he authorized the release of the container confiscated under siege. Contrary to these claims, the investigation has revealed that the EPA’s assistant official whose announced credential is a forged certification letter from the African Methodist Episcopal University ignored the entire EPA ESIA process in pursuit of his personal financial benefits.

Evidence swarming after a thorough investigation that the following missteps were encouraged in contravention of the 2017 ESIA Procedural Guide: no evidence from an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) report submitted to the Agency by York Trading Incorporated ; absence of the nomination letter from the proponent to prepare the report; there is no evidence of the acknowledgment of receipt of the report and the permit request payment payment letter to the proponent; no evidence of York Trading Incorporated’s payment of permit processing fees; there is no evidence of the EMP Review Date and the name of the technical staff who participated in the review process; there is no email evidence for EMP circulation for review by EPA technical staff; no evidence via email exchange of entries requested by EMP reviewers

The environmental experts who followed the trial of the outbreak of the Deputy Executive Director in the media have indicated that, despite the fact that a technical committee recommended US $ 1,400.00. As smart as Dobayou claims to be and announces the mask of integrity, why wouldn’t he refer to the law that governs the situation? “Is this the same man who claims to be cleaning up a messy situation?” Said an expert who asked not to be identified.

It is often said that he who comes with equity must come with clean hands! How dare the deputy chief of the EPA, Mr. Randall Dobayou, exploit the process that must be jealously guarded and maintained? What would have prompted such rapid authorization without the due diligence required of York Trading Inc? Why did the Acting Executive Director, Mr. Dobayou, compromise and exploit the Agency process? These are questions that have not been answered to date.

Such a serious violation induced by bribery and corruption that resonates under the signature of the unsophisticated Dobayou, a colorful non-technical boy who currently runs the day-to-day affairs of such an integrity and scientific institution of this kind, is not just a shame to him. country, but also a great disappointment to professional dogma.

As the blood from government coffers spills onto his hands, Dobayou is grabbing straws to tell the public how he obtained his “certification letter” and “transcript” from a university that expelled him for rebellious conduct since 2013.

In a letter he posted on his personal Facebook page dated July 12, 2013 and allegedly from the Vice President of Academic Affairs office, Dobayou claimed that he completed all his courses at AMEU and was prepared for graduation prior to his expulsion. Dobayou indicated that he was secretary of the memories committee of the graduating class.

But the Assistant Secretary for Registration at AMEU, Mr. Benjamin G. Everett said the EPA’s Deputy Executive Director lied that he was authorized in 2013 for graduation. “He has just completed his outstanding courses in the 2019/2020 semester. He does not have a degree and has not been processed to graduate, ”Mr. Everett.

The Registrar’s Assistant for the Registrar did not say how Dobayou was accepted into the school to complete his courses after being expelled in 2013.

The African Methodist Episcopal University has promised to officially respond to the situation soon. The investigation continues.
