Caritas Ghana COVID-19 Humanitarian Support Project



COVID-19 is caused by SARS COV-2, a coronavirus. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses known to cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more serious illnesses such as Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Symptoms of infection include fever, dry cough, sore throat, and shortness of breath.

It is estimated that more than 80% of people infected with COVID 19 will suffer from mild to moderate illness and recover, while older people and those with underlying health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease and respiratory diseases are susceptible to a severe form of the disease. and to some extent, death. In some cases, some people are simply “carriers” of the virus and therefore may not even show symptoms even though they tested positive.

The coronavirus outbreak in Ghana has moved from the stage of importation through local transmission (that is, the direct spread of index cases) to the stage of community transmission, where the source of transmission is sometimes impossible to trace.

The situation has required some drastic and bold containment and mitigation measures by the Government of Ghana, including recently the closure of land, sea and air borders, a partial three-week closure, a ban on all social gatherings and the closure of schools of which some have been relieved over time after proper consultation on containment measures.

The Ghana Health Service and the Ministry of Information also offer regular briefings on basic personal hygiene and safety measures. In the midst of all this, there are also a number of myths and misconceptions about the disease, especially within Ghana’s current situation of less active cases and rapid recovery of patients, even with restrictions easing. Some Ghanaians even believe that the virus does not exist. This affects efforts to handle the unprecedented situation with the hope of zero active cases, as Ghana’s President HE Nana Addo Dankwah Akuffo-Addo challenged the nation during her 17th speech on measures to combat COVID-19 in Ghana. .

Ultimately, community education in rural areas is very limited, especially in local languages. In northern Ghana, sociocultural dynamics such as settlement patterns, the nature of households, ceremonies or rites of passage, religion, communal food and cuisine, tributes in chiefs’ palaces, etc. makes them more susceptible to the transmission of COVID-19. Furthermore, high illiteracy rates, especially among girls and women, make understanding difficult.

In light of these events and anticipated effects, the Catholic Church in Ghana through Caritas Ghana, seeks to contribute to the containment and creation of humanitarian safety valves, especially in the North through already existing social services such as education and health. provided by the Church in disadvantaged rural areas in northern Ghana.

This is in line with the actions of the Government of Ghana as a contribution to the national response to the Covid-19 pandemic. In response to the call for the COVID-19 proposal from the French Embassy in Ghana, Caritas Ghana obtained a grant with the main objective of influencing the sociocultural behaviors of the rural population of the High West, the Upper East and the Middle East regions. North through Behavior Change Communication and Community Education to help curb the spread of COVID-19 in Ghana.


Amidst the numerous COVID-19 response activities implemented by different projects in Caritas Ghana and within various geographic regions of Ghana, the French Embassy / Caritas Ghana response project aims to raise awareness and education at the community level. on Corona virus disease in the Upper West, Upper East and North Regions while fostering the new normal of virtual communication among team members.

Five communities were carefully chosen as targets for educational impacts. These include Salaga in the North Region, Zuarungu-Moshie in the East Bolgatanga District, Zaare in the Bolgatanga Municipality, Piisi in the Wa Municipality and Sankana in the Nadwowli-kaleo District.

The project was guided by four main specific objectives, under which various practical activities were carried out. The first strategy was to establish coordination teams with the Catholic Diocesan Development Offices that would liaise with the two main Caritas Ghana coordination centers in Accra and Tamale through virtual means.

The main goal of this was to reduce the staff travel rate and also a COVID-19 risk mitigation measure so that staff are not overexposed to the disease. A virtual workshop for prior orientation of all activities and responsibilities was adequately arranged for all staff working on the project. Personal protective equipment such as gloves, hand sanitizers and nasal masks were distributed to all staff before the start of practical work.

With great commitment and hard work, the Regional Teams visited each community for an intense sensitization in the local dialects; both door-to-door and community meetings while observing COVID-19 protocols to protect themselves and also people. Feedback from the various communities was encouraging as teammates learned new local terms and helped debunk people’s myths. For example, in Piisi, the nose mask was hilariously called “nyubor pieto” in the local dialect meaning “undergarment of the nose”.

Two COVID-19 educational billboards were set up per community with various infographic materials posted and distributed in the five communities. Some traditional leaders of these communities were very grateful for these steps to improve awareness of COVID-19.

The media has been a great tool in our daily activities, especially in the age of this pandemic that is contracted as an airborne disease to some extent. Jingles and short messages were developed in seven native languages ​​and translated into English in both audio and audiovisuals. Again, these short jingles have gone viral on many media platforms, especially some local community radio stations and on social media.

The project team has been applauded on various platforms not only for the easy and practical understanding of these jingles, but also for their robust and unique content. Regional Teams have also had conversations with community radio stations in local languages ​​as a means of reaching out to other neighboring communities that did not participate.


In summary, the following key results were achieved through a series of activities implemented in relation to the main purpose of the project;

• Intensive education and community awareness on COVID-19 through local radio discussions and public space interactions in the Upper East, Upper West and North regions of Ghana

• Public awareness about the role of the French Embassy in the COVID-19 Response project through published articles

• Creation of virtual capacity for staff in relation to covid-19 through a workshop and a series of biweekly conference calls.

• 24/7 communication support to assist the project officer and other personnel in managing and coordinating activities in the various regions.

• Good and efficient use of traditional and social media platforms helped reach a larger population than planned.

• Educational jingles on Covid-19 awareness were developed in local dialects, facilitating communication with local people.

• COVID-19 protocols were promoted taking into account Caritas Ghana protection policies.


Inspired by the new social encyclical of Pope Francis; “Fratelli Tutti” on The Fraternity and Social Friendship, as well as the celebration of the Fourth World Day of the Poor, encourages all of us to help stop the spread of COVID-19 by observing established protocols and in our own way. reaching out to the vulnerable and underprivileged in society.

Humanitarian support from institutions such as the French Embassy in Ghana, among others, has created a better avenue for Caritas Ghana to adequately and effectively contribute to the Ghana Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Government of Ghana’s response to achieve “a nation with COVID-19 zero active ”While restrictions are eased in the country, especially in rural areas where education is limited.

I wish to thank the French Embassy in Ghana for their support.

By Priscilla NAB Zan

Caritas Ghana

[email protected]
