A 29-year-old man, Kwaku Oduro, also known as Agya Kwabena Oppong, a taxi driver and a Konongo native, has been jailed by an Accra circuit court for 12 years for carjacking.
According to the prosecution, on August 31, 2020, Kwaku Oduro hired the services of a taxi driver at around 2:30 am from Achimota to Anyaa.
However, a few meters from their desired destination, Kwaku Oduro instructed the driver to stop exactly where two young men were waiting at the time.
The taxi driver felt danger seeing them and immediately sped with Kwaku Owusu to the nearest police station and called her.
The police took custody of Mr. Oduro to investigate the driver’s complaint.
At the station, another whistleblower who had also been the victim of a car theft the day before and lost his Daewoo Matiz taxi in the process, identified Kwaku Oduro as the same suspect who seized his vehicle with the same modus operandi.
Kwaku Oduro could not deny the accusation and broke into confession, begging for forgiveness.
He was later prosecuted and found guilty of an attempted robbery by a circuit court.
He was sentenced to 12 years in prison with hard labor, while awaiting a new trial for his involvement in the other vehicle theft crimes.
— classfm