ASEPA requires a full audit of the voter registration before December 7


General news for Saturday, October 3, 2020

Source: Kasapa FM


ASEPA Executive Director, Mensah ThompsonASEPA Executive Director, Mensah Thompson

The anti-corruption and civil defense group Alliance for Social Equity and Public Accountability (ASEPA) is calling for a comprehensive audit and validation of all figures compiled by the Election Commission after the entire Voter Registration Exercise.

ASEPA maintains that the registration exercise had other peripheral voting processes carried out by the Electoral Commission in the absence of agents of the political parties.

“As we speak, we cannot authenticate the numbers because we have seen people in a corner printing identification cards and the number of people in this voter registry does not seem to reflect the full representation of the people,” said its executive director Mensah Thompson. .

In addition, he pointed out that the figures published by the electoral commission are inflated, compared to the count of the political parties.

“16.9 million and now the EC says we have more than 17 million people. Where does the gap come from? she questioned.

He told Ivan Heathcote – Ultimate News Smoker that the only way the Election Commission can prevent disgruntled parties from questioning the validity of the December 7 election results is for the entire record to be audited and validated.

“This voter registry is overcrowded and needs to be authenticated. All the people in it must be validated before the 2020 elections ”. Mensah Thompson demanded.

Mensah Thompson will not give the Electoral Commission some slack with only 65 days to go, insisting that civil society anticipated and warned the EC of the challenges.

He noted that ASEPA has compiled a series of voter registration irregularities that it is willing to share with international observers who will monitor Ghana’s December elections.

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