Apam Beach: Police confirm 12 Ghanaian children die inside Apam Beach while swimming



Ghanaian police confirmed the recovery of 12 unidentified children after they drowned while swimming at Apam beach located in the central region on Monday, March 8.

Ghana’s central regional police service in a statement said to “retrieve 12 carcasses of pikins and rescue two odes alive” for Apam beach.

According to DSP statement Irene Oppong, she was in charge of Public Affairs for the Ghana Police Service for Cape Coast, and said she received a formal complaint from a Kwame Akono at 8:40 p.m. M. 15 years old are going to play ball on the beach and we drown on oda pikins “.

According to the statement, police said they rushed to the scene with the search party.

“Fortunately, we did not rescue 15-year-old Simon Dadzie and Godfred Appretsie got 14-year-old, alive when they were admitted to Luke Catholic Hospital.”

The statement also says that they recovered twelve bodies aged 14 to 17 on Monday morning. There are two women inside the corpse of the hospital morgue awaiting the autopsy examination.

The statement concludes by saying: “The investigations are continuing and they understand what is happening.”

So far, the rescue team has searched the waters to retrieve the remaining bodies.

Community members say more people are likely to die because children go swimming at Apam beach on Sunday.

According to community members, children use unapproved routes to the area by Covid-19 protocols that prohibit recreational activities, so they must use some area to swim when the accident occurs.

For the sake of the nature of where they are used, people don’t easily find them until Monday morning, where they begin to recover the bodies.

Unconfirmed reports from Oda suggest that the pikins must be more than 20 when the suspects say they die.

Ghana imposes Covid-19 restrictions on activities such as going to the beach, and it is unclear how children escape the surveillance of authorities until the accident occurs.
