Angry Young People Go Crazy Over Alleged Illegal Mining Activities in Donkro-Nkwanta


Some angry youths in Donkro-Nkwanta in the Nkoranza Sur municipality of the Bono Este region, almost lynched the town chief, when during a riot on Thursday, April 1.

The aggrieved youth alleged that Nana Owusu Acheaw Brempong II has given hectares of land to Chinese expatriates to conduct illegal mining activities in the city.

But the Regional Security Council of Bono Este (REGSEC) chaired by Mr. Kwasi Adu-Gyan, the Regional Minister and other security agents intervened to save the situation.

However, calm has returned to the area.

Addressing city bosses and people, Mr. Adu-Gyan counseled the youth against illegal behavior, ensuring that REGSEC would investigate the matter and ensure that the right thing was done to preserve the prevailing peace in the city. .

Nana Brempong II told the regional minister that she was dismayed by the allegations and admitted, however, that the city’s lord Nkoranza Traditional Council had turned over 1,500 hectares of arable land in the area to some foreign investors without her knowledge.

The regional minister and his entourage later visited the alleged illegal mining site and no mining was taking place, however acres of cashew, plantain and cassava farms had been cleared in the area.
