President Nana Akufo-Addo inaugurated the Tree Crop Development Authority, whose focus will be on the development of tree crops and the consequent benefits that will be obtained for the country.
Opening the Authority on Tuesday, at the Golden Bean Hotel in Kumasi, President Akufo-Addo explained that the government’s strategy is to promote the development of tree crops, other than cocoa, with equal or even greater economic potential.
“The Tree Crop Development Authority, which is the legal and institutional outcome of PERD, will lead the agenda for the diversification of Ghana’s agriculture through the development of the tree crop sector,” he said.
The president continued: “To kick start the implementation of the PERD, seven tree crops, namely mango, cashew, shea, rubber, cocoa, oil palm and coffee have been identified and selected for promotion under the program. , six of which are directly under the supervision of the Authority. I hope that, sooner rather than later, the coffee is also under the direct supervision of the Authority. “
Headquartered here in Kumasi, the Authority will operate as COCOBOD and implement policies and programs to guide research, production, pricing and marketing of the six tree crops.
He told the meeting that if the economic potential of the six selected tree crops is properly harnessed, Ghana could soon exponentially increase its agricultural export earnings.
So far, 220,257 farmers have enrolled in the PERD program, while 235,850 hectares of land have been cultivated, with a total of thirty million seedlings of the different crops produced and to be distributed to farmers and interested parties.
“In full implementation, the PERD program will link agriculture with industry through the provision of a solid base of raw materials for industrialization, it will develop our rural economies and help in the structural transformation of the national economy. All of this will boost growth, create jobs, especially for young people, and create wealth, “added the president.
The Authority’s 29-member Board of Directors is chaired by Stephen Sekyere-Abankwa, with a very proactive management team consisting of Chief Executive Officer, William Quaitoo, and his two Deputies, Yaw Osei Oteng, in charge of Finance and Administration, and Foster Boateng, in charge of Operations.
President Akufo-Addo assured the members of the Authority of the systematic efforts being made by the government to secure funding for the improvement of relevant research institutions to assist in the effective development of the sector.
The President was confident that, in the fullness of time, the Government’s approach will be fully vindicated when all these initiatives are vigorously implemented.
“The global vision of Ghana Beyond Aid is neither rhetoric nor artifice. We are determined, through action, to achieve this vision, and today’s program is a clear indication of our total commitment. With God on our side, we will surely make it, ”he added.