AG Witness Admits UG Chemistry Department Report on Lithovit Was Altered


Business news for Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Source: FM class


Dr. Stephen Opuni, former head of COCOBODDr. Stephen Opuni, former head of COCOBOD

In the ongoing lawsuit of former COCOBOD CEO Dr. Stephen Opuni and businessman Seidu Agongo, the report on the lithovit test from the Department of Chemistry of the University of Ghana has been compromised.

A University of Ghana chemistry professor who is the state’s fifth prosecution witness, Dr. Emmanuel Yaw Osei-Twum, revealed in court on Tuesday, October 27, 2020 that the report presented as evidence in court has additional details made by your department. not author, as part of the original report.

This came to light during interrogation by Mr. Agongo’s lawyer, Nutifafa Nutsukpui.

Mr. Nutsukpui asked Dr. Osei-Twum to identify some inscriptions on the right side of “Table 2”, captured on page 6 of the 10-page report.

The writings, which were handwritten in ink, suggested some values ​​of putative chemicals and compounds allegedly found in the lithovite sample submitted for testing by the Office of Economic and Organized Crimes (EOCO).

Dr. Emmanuel Yaw Osei-Twum, who has stated that he and another colleague personally conducted the test and provided data for the report, denied having knowledge of these writings.

He said, “We have nothing to do with the vertical line to the far right corner of the table. We did not write them in ink. We did not put those vertical lines. Our original report did not have them.”

He added that the Department of Chemistry did not test for silicon dioxide although, curiously, the person who made alterations to the report indicated below the table the chemical symbol for silicon dioxide and the values ​​attached to it.

The professor of Chemistry admitted that these alterations in the table also produced erroneous values ​​for the concentrations of Calcium Carbonate (CacO3) and Magnesium Carbonate (MgCO3) detected in the Lithovit sample.

A surprised Dr. Osei-Twum could not understand how these modifications were made in the report that he had described as credible and concise.

Lithovit foliar fertilizer efficacy

Still, under questioning, Dr. Osei-Twum admitted the efficacy of Lithovit foliar fertilizer.

According to him, his report points out, among others, that lithovit increases yield and improves the quality and storage properties of the crop, especially when plants are under stress situations.

Again, lithovit, according to the report, has the benefit of relieving the plant’s water requirement.

He also admitted that lithovit intensifies the growth and green coloration of plants.

Lithovit also improves resistance to drought, frost, insects, pests and fungal infections in plants and improves the supply of essential micronutrients to plants.

The report from Ghana’s leading University of Chemistry further cited Lithovit as an aid in increasing magnesium metabolism in chlorophyll formation and the degree of photosynthesis in plants.

Since then, the court has dismissed Dr. Yaw Osei-Twum and a new witness is expected to be called to the stand when the hearing resumes on Wednesday, October 28, 2020.

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