Popular Kumawood actor and news anchor Akwasi Boadi, known as Akrobeto, has said that even if he dies and returns to this world, he will not choose any career other than acting.
The famous actor said he has received so much attention that not even a politician will receive that attention, adding that he is very passionate about acting.
Speaking at the Link Up Show with Gucci Mona, Akrobeto said; “There is no other job in this country that I do apart from acting because it pays a lot, not even the presidency or being a deputy.”
Akrobeto, whose real name is Akwasi Boadi, insisted that even if he is given the opportunity to reincarnate, he will return and continue his acting career.
“Even if I die and come back, I will go back to the movies.” He said adding that there is no other job that pays like being an actor. The award-winning actor also hinted that acting has brought him fame and great opportunities that he might not have been offered if he hadn’t gotten into acting.
“Today I can go to all parts of the world because of the fame I have”, added.
Source: ghgossip.com