Delay acted well to apologize, the war is between me and Obrafour


Thursday, November 12, 2020 Entertainment

Source: Zionfelix


Rapper Obrafour is suing Delay and Aisha for an interview on the Delay ShowRapper Obrafour is suing Delay and Aisha for an interview on the Delay Show

Ayisha Modi has reacted to Delay’s decision to distance herself from her court battle involving Obrafour.

Delay Show host Deloris Frimpong Manso issued a disclaimer regarding Ayisha Modi and Obrafour’s case after the musician filed a lawsuit against them.

Obrafour did not take it lightly after Madam Modi claimed on Delay’s show a few months ago that she invested in the former’s ‘Kasiebo’ project.

A threat from Obrafour to sue Ayisha Modi did not scare her into retracting her statement.

After a subpoena warrant surfaced online, Delay posted a video to distance himself from the issue.

After this, an alleged fan of Ayisha berated Delay for such action.

But in a strong rebuttal, Ayisha Modi defended that Delay did the right thing.

She stressed that the war is between Obrafour and her; so you don’t want Delay’s involvement.

See a screenshot of his answer below:

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