General news for Friday, November 6, 2020
Source: My GH news
The founder and standard-bearer of the Liberal Party of Ghana (LPG), Percival Kofi Akpaloo has challenged the nationality of former President Jerry John Rawlings, born in 1947 and a native of the Volta region.
According to the presidential hopeful, the first president of Ghana [under 4th Republic] he is not and cannot be a child of the earth due to the antecedents of his biological parents.
“Rawlings is not from the Volta region and cannot be Ghanaian. His father is Scottish and the mother is from Volta, but he cannot call himself a Voltarian because we Voltarians are practicing a patrilineal system, ”said Mr. Akploo, who is also a Voltarian.
Speaking on the Accra-based Peace FM morning show monitored by MyNewsGh.com, Mr. Kofi Akploo declared that he will win on December 7 with the support of the people of the Volta region and the Ashanti region against the current president. , Nana Akufo-Addo.
“My father is from Volta and my mother is a typical Ashanti. Because of this background, I will get more votes from the people. And I will be the first volunteer to reach the presidency of the country, ”boasted the GLP flag bearer to listeners of the political talk show“ Kokrokoo ”.
Percival Kofi Akploo said that nature has already chosen someone to rule the country and no man on earth can change God’s will despite the massive campaigns of the two main political parties.
“God revealed to me the winner of the polls. It was between me and Nana Akufo-Addo from the PNP. Nana Akufo-Addo was leading me with some votes, but I will get over it and win, ”said Mr. Percival Kofi Akploo.
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