Reasonable suspicion of bid rigging, corruption activity detected in Agyapa deal – reveals Martin Amidu


Special counsel Martin Amidu has revealed some anomalies detected in the government’s transaction with Agyapa Minerals Royalties Limited.

In its Corruption Risk Assessment report released Monday, Amidu stated that there were reasonable suspicions of bid rigging and corruption activity in the deal selection process.

According to the Special Prosecutor, when analyzing the transaction document, he highlighted that the arrangements lacked transparency.

“The analysis of the risk of corruption and the assessment of the fight against corruption in the bid selection process led to the assessment that the participation of Imam Corporate Finance Limited (Pty) of South Africa in the Mandate Agreement approved by the Authority Government Procurement made the Mandate Agreement an international commercial or economic transaction that requires Parliament’s approval under Article 181 (5) and was never requested or granted. “

“Second, the entire fee from the bid supposedly won by Imara from South Africa with her lure. The Ghana data bank will be paid in US dollars to South Africa’s Imams Corporate Finance Limited (Pty). The Mandate Agreement does not say how and when the magnet would pay the lure, Databank of Ghana, for a contract supposedly won and jointly executed, ”he explained.

Mr. Amidu then added that the Ministry of Finance evaded the approval of the Public Procurement Authority established in the Public Procurement Authority Law of 2003 (Law 663) and amended by the Law of 2016 (Law 914) (Law 663 according to amended).

This, it says, concludes that “the Transaction Adviser selection process revealed reasonable suspicion of bid rigging and corruption activity, including the potential for illicit financial flows and money laundering in the settlement of fees payable to Databank of Ghana. as a decoy “.

President Akufo-Addo has already ordered the Finance Minister to return to Parliament to reconsider the arrangement in the transaction with Agyapa Mineral Royalties Limited.

The president’s instruction came moments after the Special Prosecutor’s Office communicated its opinion on the corruption risk assessment carried out in the transaction.

According to Martin Amidu, the process was already concluded on October 15 and was sent to the Presidency the same day, although a copy was sent to the Ministry of Finance on October 16.
