There was a school of thought that Donald Trump could be honored to infect himself with the coronavirus, see the light, and encourage Americans to stay safe. It lasted almost as long as the hope that he would “pivot” toward a traditional presidency after his inauguration.
Instead, Trump has sought to project the image of the strongman, flying to the White House by helicopter at sunset, standing on the balcony and removing his mask while still contagious, boasting that he feels better than 20 years ago and urging the public. to neither fear the virus nor allow it to dominate your lives.
His campaign has sent out fundraising emails preaching a similar message of if I can beat him, you can too, hoping to turn personal and political disaster into his electoral advantage against the wary Joe Biden. It is very successful for a president who sees illness as a weakness and seeks every day to become the hero of his own reality show.
Gwenda Blair, Trump’s biographer, said: “Now he’s going to be an ‘expert’ – he’s had it so no one can tell him anything. If you’ve ever stopped for a second before receiving medical advice, it’s over. She knows more about wars than generals; now he will know more about the coronavirus than any doctor. “