A Deputy Minister of Monitoring and Evaluation, William Kwasi Sabi, has revealed that since the ministry was established, hundreds of recommendations have been made to the president on the performance of different ministries, departments and agencies (MDA) to act accordingly.
He explained that the actions of the sectors are classified in color codes: red, amber (yellow) and green.
Red, he said, means poor performance, green means excellent, and then yellow means neither too good nor too bad.
He was asked how many recommendations have been made to the president since the Ministry was created in 2017, while speaking about the New day program hosted by Etornam Sey on Monday, October 5, Mr. Sabi said “we’ve done hundreds of them.”
“What we do is that our reports go directly to the president and the government. Then they look at it.
“Depending on the type of program or project, we have a type of report. Some quarterly, others six months. Some of it is annually.
“Due to the nature of the project, we give a report and at the cabinet meeting, my minister will present a summary of whatever it contains and in that power point presentation, we have what we call a color-coding system.
“We choose a minister, we choose a program and then we present the problems that are there. We rate them using amber, green or red color codes. Red means that it is not doing very well, green is very good and amber is something in between, ”he said.
— 3news