The promotion and secret recruitment of young graduates into critical revenue collection agency positions has been thwarted by the eagle eyes of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) Organized Labor.
In a leaked memorandum addressed to the Commissioner General on the matter, Organized Labor noted that new recruits and promoted officers are being moved to Revenue Director and Assistant Commissioner positions without the qualification, requirement and years of experience required for one may deserve such positions in the Authority.
Unfortunately, the majority of these newly recruited officers are / were juniors or fellow officers currently in SRO grades, the Memo noted.
Organized Labor has lamented that this discretionary precedence, if not stopped, has the potential to derail succession planning, demoralize staff, and, most importantly, open the floodgates for successive management to continue to use this occurrence as an example.
“Until such transparency is granted to Organized Work, we cannot guarantee the cooperation and support of the personnel to these new appointees by the Management”, warns the Memo.
For the uninformed minds about promotion and recruitment at GRA:
At GRA, the starting point for senior officers (new recruits with 1st degree or master’s degree) is ARO, Revenue Assistant.
From ARO you need AT LEAST 4 years to be promoted to RO, Revenue Officer.
From RO you need AT LEAST 4 years to be promoted to SRO, Senior Revenue Officer.
From SRO, you need AT LEAST 4 years to be promoted to PRO, Chief Revenue Officer
Again, from PRO, you need AT LEAST 4 years to be promoted to CRO, Director of Revenue.
From CRO you need AT LEAST 4 years + vacancy available to be interviewed for the position of AC, Assistant Commissioner.
So to go from ARO to CRO in GRA, one needs AT LEAST 16 SOLID YEARS. However, others spent more than that.
NB: At any level, one must pass a promotion interview before being promoted.
Now if someone is recruited today and promoted directly to CRO or AC, is that fair to the system?