Bawumia inaugurates the new House of Chiefs of the Western Region


General news for Wednesday, September 16, 2020



awumia emphasized Akufo-Addo's belief in the institution of the cacique at the inaugurationawumia emphasized Akufo-Addo’s belief in the institution of the cacique at the inauguration

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Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia inaugurated the new Western Region Chiefs House in Takoradi.

After the creation of the new West North Region, the former House of Chiefs of the West Region was dissolved on Tuesday, September 15, 2020, after it held its final meeting, and a new one was inaugurated, integrated only by traditional authorities from the West Region. Dr. Bawumia.

Traditional authorities whose jurisdiction is within the newly created region will be in charge of the House of Chiefs of the North Western Region, which will be inaugurated by President Akufo-Addo later this month.

Addressing the Chiefs after their inauguration, Vice President Bawumia said that, despite the controversies that the institution of the Chieftain has gone through in some areas, the relevance and contribution of the Chieftaincy to the country’s development cannot be underestimated.

“Nananom, the cacique institution, like several other state institutions, has lived through controversial periods in our history, playing different roles at different times.” Dr. Bawumia said.

The vice president pointed out that some people tend to criticize the relevance of the chiefdom, but he maintained that the institution is indispensable.

“I do not hesitate to affirm that leadership has been and will be an indispensable part of our history and development. It is so respected that even when our Ghanaian compatriots leave our shores and are free from the influence of leadership, they create leaders wherever they are. they are, “said Dr. Bawumia.

Government committed to strengthening the institution of leadership

Vice President Bawumia emphasized Akufo-Addo’s belief in the institution of the cacique as an integral part of the nation’s development process, especially in our democratic administration.

He also listed several things the Akufo-Addo government has done since taking office in 2017, which, he said, affirms the government’s belief and support for the cacique institution.

“The government recognizes that, to ensure the success of the social and economic transformation program that was presented to the people of Ghana, we have to do a lot. It is important that we bring the traditional role of our bosses to the modern, constitutional framework, under which we rule our country, “emphasized Dr. Bawumia.

“To begin with, we pledged, in the 2016 PNP Manifesto, to increase the monthly allowances paid to Chiefs and quarterly budget support to Traditional Councils and Houses of Chiefs. We have done this by one hundred percent (100%) “.

“The government has also assisted the National House of Heads of State with three million five hundred thousand cedis (GH ¢ 3.5 million) for the completion of the new headquarters office complex in Kumasi.

“The government is also committed to helping the National House of Chiefs move rapidly in completing the work of codifying the traditional norms and rules that have guided our communities throughout the centuries.”

“The Ministry, in collaboration with the National House of Chiefs, has also begun the process of digitizing records of the National House of Chiefs, particularly the records in the National Register of Chiefs.”

“The Ministry of the Headquarters has also instituted a program to give courses for the development of the Headquarters, which includes conferences, seminars and other activities, with the objective of developing the capacity of the Heads and of all people with interests in the institution of the Headquarters. I applaud this initiative. “

As the vice president listed a number of advances the government has made in the leadership sector, he also lamented the many disputes over leadership in the country, which he said is “unfortunately one of the greatest setbacks for the socioeconomic development of our nation.”

“Such disputes have, at times, resulted in full-blown conflicts, threats to the peace and stability of our nation, destruction of property, loss of life, closure of educational and health facilities, and separation of families.”

He added that the government is concerned and, in a move to help curb headship disputes, has decided to bear the cost of extrajudicial committees from the various Chambers of Chiefs to help speed up the adjudication of disputes.

“To help reduce these disputes and their damaging effects, the government, through the Ministry of Headquarters and Religious Affairs, arranged to provide the funds that will increase the number of sessions of the Judicial Committees of the Regional Houses.”

“This should speed up the adjudication of pending issues, to close the pending disputes that continue to generate tension.”

“Once again, the National House of Chiefs, together with the Ministry of Headquarters, in order to reduce conflicts and establish areas of customary jurisdiction and loyalty, has delineated traditional areas of supremacy.”

As trustees of the people’s lands, Dr. Bawumia also urged the country’s chiefs to help govern the treatment to simplify the administration of the country’s lands.

“We urgently need an efficient and well-functioning titling, boundary setting and property tracking regime,” he said.

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