NDC’s 17 Promises to the Creative Arts Industry


Although it is a potential source of job creation, wealth creation, and skills development in the country, the creative arts industry is often sidelined on the nation’s political agenda.

After hearing concerns from industry players, the Democratic National Congress (NDC) has identified 17 ways to address these concerns.

In launching your party’s 2020 manifesto today, the NDC outlined a series of policies to address these challenges and solidify the nation’s creative arts industry.

These include funding creative arts institutions, resolving copyright issues, passing the creative arts bill, among many others.

Below are the policies outlined in your 2020 manifesto:

1. Implement programs to support the growth of the film, music, and creative industries to drive job creation and economic growth.

2. Use nationally recognized creative arts bodies such as the Ghana Writers Association, MUSIGHA, National Film Authority, Ghana Visual Arts Union (GUVA), among others.

3. Strengthen regulation to protect artists’ copyrights and ensure that they obtain value for their works by enforcing the payment of user fees under the Copyright Regulations, 2010 (LI 1962).

4. Establish a legal aid system for creative artists to help combat plagiarism and intellectual / creative theft by others.

5. Approve the Creative Industry Bill and implement it to promote the development of the industry.

6. Resource and empower national museums to function properly and create space for exhibitions.

7. Promote local sponsorship of various creative products.

8. Partner with GUVA and other fine arts associations to purchase your finished works to furnish and decorate public offices to support fine arts businesses.

9. Through the National Film Authority, encourage our embassies abroad to regularly purchase and show appropriate Ghanaian films on Ghana Day and other special occasions.

10. In collaboration with the Ghana Writers Association, establish a National Writing Competition and support the promotion of the best literary works.

11. Provide seed money for the creation of a special fund for artists, including elderly and needy creative artists.

12. Make scholarship packages available for disadvantaged creative artists to pursue self-development courses or programs in the national interest.

13. Facilitate the enrollment of creative artists to the informal pension plan.

14. Develop programs to harness talents and potential in the industry.

15. Structure the educational curriculum so that students can appreciate the relevance of culture and the creative arts in national life and development.

16. Promote district, regional and national creative competitions among young people from Tertiary Institutions.

17. Facilitate the placement of creative art products on digital platforms for promotional purposes.
