The government will actively involve the chiefs for development


Regional news for Thursday, March 18, 2021

Source: GNA


Justina Owusu-Banahene, Regional Minister of Bono Justina Owusu-Banahene, Regional Minister of Bono

Mrs. Justina Owusu-Banahene, Bono’s regional minister, has assured that the government will actively involve traditional authorities in national development processes.

As the embodiment of the people, Madame Owusu-Banahene noted that development could not progress as expected if chiefs and queens were neglected, and said her administration would continue to seek the advice of traditional rulers to build a better society.

The regional minister said this when she paid a courtesy visit to Barimah Kumi Acheaw II, the head of Abesim on Wednesday.

Some supporters of the New Patriotic Party (PNP), friends, relatives and supporters, and the various municipal and district chief executives of the region gave the minister an enthusiastic welcome in the city upon her return from Accra, after successfully passing her ministerial . background investigation.

She also made similar calls and interacted with the Sunyani Traditional Council and Atronie Chiefs and told them that her administration could not do much without them and gathered their assistance and cooperation to motivate her to work hard to bring the development of the region to the region. . next level.

The Bono region, Mad Owusu-Banahene observed, had enormous economic potential that could be harnessed and harnessed to drive development in the region.

He underscored the need for people to move forward in unity and help identify and address the relevant development challenges facing the region, and promised to operate an open-door policy to receive suggestions and constructive criticism from various political divisions and from the entire population. . .

For their part, the chiefs congratulated the regional minister on her appointment and promised to support her in achieving her vision for the region.

Barimah Acheaw II expressed the hope that everyone in the region would support the regional minister and her administration to be successful.
