Bawku Central Member of Parliament Mahama Ayariga has asked the Speaker of Parliament to file a motion to reject the payment of fees for new and continuing students at the country’s tertiary institutions for the 2021 academic year.
In his petition, the MP is seeking prior legislative approval pursuant to Order 50 (1) to stop fees as a result of the devastating impact of the COVID-19 outbreak.
Citing job losses and economic instability caused by the pandemic, the lawmaker who described his petition as a “condition of urgent public importance,” expressed concern over the decision by higher education institutions that both newly admitted students as those who continue to pay their tuition earlier are allowed access to the teaching and learning facilities during the academic year.
“This is important to the public because many people have lost their jobs due to the economic consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak, which has forced the government to provide subsidies on the supply of water and electricity. The hospitality sector has been severely affected. Private school workers in the education sector have not earned an income in about a year. Border towns like Bawku have suffered economically from restrictions on cross-border movement and trade. Most parents and students have not been able to work to save funds to pay for fees. Remittances from abroad have been drastically reduced. The banking crisis caused the loss of many jobs, ”reads parts of the petition.
The Bawku Central deputy argued that essential components of public tertiary institutions can function without many of the fees and charges requested of students in LI 2386.
He proposed that student scholarships only be activated to support students only after they have been able to pay the admission fees and have entered colleges.
Therefore, Mahama Ayariga requests that the Spokesperson grant the motion to suspend the payment of fees in order to alleviate the financial obligations of the parents and adds that “Order 50 (3) – The application of the Instrument of Fees and Charges (Miscellaneous Provisions), 2019 (LI 2386), being a financial legislation, it can only be suspended through an amendment presented on behalf of the President “.