goals from Jordi Alba and Frankie de Jong lead to La Liga victory


2-1 victory over Real Sociedad on Wednesday in La Liga. In the 1-0 win over UD Levante before Wednesday’s game against Sociedad, the hosts Jordi Alba and Frankie de Jong took heroics in front of goal to continue Barcelona’s new winning streak.

Barcelona, ​​who got off to a good start at the start of the game, have already won two games. The team is connecting better than the great team this season, and American Sergino Dest appears to be tight with attacks from the right. But it was Real Sociedad who opened the scoring for their early dominance. Barcelona took an early look at the goal, but Real Sociedad crashed their first shot.

A failed punt from a corner would keep Robin Le Normond at bay, and the relationship between him and Port confused Barcelona’s backline when Willian José had to take advantage of the opening goal.

The advantage will be short-lived as Barcelona will continue to be dangerous in attack, finding the tie four minutes later. Antoine Griezmann will set up a ball, redirect to a waiting album in his pass box space, balance things out and bury the ball in the upper right corner.

Barcelona’s quick pass and play from behind would ensure that Real Sociedad maintained their lead and set the bar rather than creating pressure for Barcelona, ​​with Barcelona aiming to advance just before half-time in the 43rd minute.

De Jong took his defender out of the area and connected to the goal of a ball that deflected from Alba’s post. After a preliminary test with VAR, the target will remain.

Despite the first opening goal, it was the Real Sociedad fight that continued with Barcelona in the first 45 minutes. They had very little possession and fired 10 to 3 shots. It was a great job to contain and create, yet Jose and Isaac had the best chances to equalize in the second half as the game progressed before the goal. Atlético de Madrid, leaders of the league, tied 26 points, but the defeat knocked Real Sociedad out of first place today.

This is Barcelona’s second consecutive victory. The experienced Sergio Busquets quickly outscored his rival in midfield. Despite the victory, the Bara had clouds. Antoine Griezmann struggled to find the back of the net as he missed a great opportunity early in the second half. Griezmann had four shots worth a total of 1.37 goals but couldn’t find the back of the net.

With the victory, Barcelona raised the level of La Liga. They entered the matchday in eight places and are now in fifth place with 20 points. Only six points separated Atlético de Madrid, Real Sociedad and Real Madrid in the top three. Bluegrana will have the opportunity to face Valencia, twelfth classified on Saturday.

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