The end of Trump’s presidency may not spell the beginning of his demise, but it certainly strips them of a powerful motivating factor and also alters the global political atmosphere., which in recent years seemed to slowly tilt in their favor, at least until the emergence of the coronavirus. The momentous outcome of the US elections is further proof that the much-talked about “populist wave” of recent years may be waning.
For the president of Brazil, Jair bolsonaro, who has yet to acknowledge Joe Biden’s victory, Trump’s firing struck close to home. “I was really confident in a Trump victory … Bolsonaro knows that part of his project depends on Trump,” said Guilherme Casarões, a political scientist at the Getulio Vargas Foundation in Brazil.
President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, commonly called AMLO, refused to immediately congratulate Biden, saying he would wait until all legal challenges were resolved.
The Prime Minister of Slovenia, Janez Janša, Was beyond, calling for Trump’s election on Wednesday morning. Janša, who has a Trumpian relationship with his Twitter account, wrote that it was “pretty clear” that Trump had won four more years in office. “The more delays and events that deny #MSM, the greater the final triumph of #POTUS,” he wrote.
In Europe, opponents of populism hope that the change in the White House will have a similar domino effect. “President Trump was good for the Orbán government, President Biden will be good for Hungary,” Gregory Christmasthe opposition mayor of Budapest wrote on Facebook.