Getting wisdom from fake news

The Media Wise for Seniors program will offer two free online courses, most of which will be funded by Facebook. The first four-week course is already full, but students can enroll in a self-directed course on online online separation of fact from literature. Directed by Christian Amanpore and John Lunden, it is set to launch on October 1st.

“By the end, they will use the techniques used by fact-checkers around the world, including reverse image detection to determine the sources of photos and videos,” said Alex Mahadev, Pointer’s senior multimedia reporter.

In addition, Pointer has teamed up with AARP to produce fact tracker interactive videos on detecting and filtering misinformation.

The News Literacy Project is also expanding beyond the initial target audience of middle and high school students.

Although the project aims to make its new efforts known to the general public, “we hope that older adults will become larger consumers of these resources and become part of the information solution rather than the misinformation problem,” said the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who founded the project in 2008. Did.

Take its free site called Checology. “It gives you a platform for how to identify reliable information,” Mr. Miller said. “It helps people find the difference between news, opinion and publicity.” Playing the role of a journalist who collects information about timelines and the role of an editor in determining which stories are appropriate on the next page, students will be able to learn interactively about quality journalism.

Get Smart About Newsletter, the weekly newsletter, will target the current week, rumors and conspiracy theories, which Sept. Starting at 22. In a game application called Informable, players move through more challenging levels to develop fact-checking and other digital literacy skills. At the same time, public service ads will appear on radio and TV stations and on Facebook.