German pet owners forced dogs to take on 2 walks a day

German dog owners are barking crazy over a planned new law that would force them to take their pooches on at least two walks a day.

Agriculture Minister Julia Kloeckner announced this week that she will introduce legislation requiring the man’s best friend to be given two 30-minute spells every day, according to the BBC.

“Pets are not smart toys – their needs need to be considered,” Kloeckner said, adding that it is important for dogs to get exercise and not be left alone for too long.

But some Germans said it was wrong to think that all dogs had the same training needs – and demanded that the government keep its paws out of its business.

“Mandatory walkies for dog owners? Rommel! ”The newspaper Bild cried in an advisory piece about the rule.

Others claim that the physical needs of a puppy depend on its health, age and breed.

“One rule for all dogs is probably well-intentioned, but unrealistic,” said Udo Kopernik, a spokesman for the German Dog Association.

Kloeckner’s rule also includes a ban on letting dogs stay for long periods of time and holding them for too long.

It also prohibits breeders from having more than three caps at a time, and requires puppies to be in a person’s company for at least four hours a day, according to the outlet.

Kloeckner said the proposal is based on expert advice to ensure animal protection and welfare. A draft of the new rule has already been drafted and could become law early next year.

It was not immediately clear how it would be enforced, but a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Agriculture said private dog owners were unlikely to receive police visits.

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