Georgia Dame Senate candidate signs letter comparing West Bank’s Israeli-controlled apartheid with South Africa

Democratic Senate candidate in Georgia Rev. Raphael Warnock, who ran in the race to take part in January, was found to have signed a statement last year comparing Israel’s control of the West Bank with “previous tyrannical regimes”, such as “Namibia’s military occupation under apartheid.” South Africa. “

In the race to win the January runoff election, Sen. Kelly Loffler will have to face. Loffler Republican Challenger Rep. Doug Ducie split the vote with 25.97%.

The letter was historically written by a group of faith leaders from the African American and South African churches, all of whom traveled to Israel in spring 2019. Warnock was also among the group that signed the letter.

Where the stands are: Fight for the Senate

The letter indicates that the group testified during a visit to the occupied territory: “With the heavy militarization of the West Bank, reminiscent of the military occupation,” the ever-present physical walls of Palestine walled in a political wall reminiscent of the Berlin Wall. Namibian by colored South Africa. ”

During World War I, South Africa launched a military campaign and occupied the German colony of South West Africa, present-day Namibia. In 1988, after decades of international pressure, South Africa signed an agreement to abandon UN headquarters Namibia.

The group said they have seen both Jewish and Palestinian perspectives. However, they said they were shocked by the “unstoppable collapse on Palestinian Palestinian lands” to make the proposed bi-state solution almost unreliable.

In January, two runoffs could take control of the Senate

The National Council of Churches group testified that they testified: “Separation laws that allow one thing for the Jewish people and another for the Palestinians; We saw evidence of forcible removal; Homes were abandoned, olive trees uprooted or confiscated and occupied, merchant shops and businesses with welding doors to close any commercial activities. “

Separately, the Progressive National Baptist Convention, which listed Vernonck as a delegate member in a resolution, called on the United States to “end all military aid to Israel” and “to cooperate with the United Nations in demanding a new territory in Israel.” Or stop the construction of existing, illegal Israeli settlements, outposts and apartheid roads. “

But Warnock said in the campaign that he was opposed to providing direct military assistance to Israel.

“Reverend Warnock has deep respect for the invaluable relationship of the United States with Israel and how Georgia continues to benefit from that friendship. The reservations he has made about the settlement’s activities cannot change his strong support for Israel and his belief in its security – which is why he opposes providing direct military assistance to such a strong ally, “Warrenock Campaign spokesman Terrence Clarke told Fox. Said. News.

Sen. “The history of the anti-Israel situation,” Loffler said in the campaign, after Vernonko signed the letter.

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Lofler’s campaign, “Raphael Vernonck has a history of anti-Israel stances, including the acceptance of the Zionist Black Lives Matter and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright called Israel a “tyrannical regime,” and called Israel a “tyrannical regime” for fighting terrorism. Communications Director Stephen Lawson told Fox News in a statement.

The statement went on to say, “Kelly Loffler has been a staunch supporter of America’s strongest ally, which is why the Georgians chased her.” Dangerous agenda that will endanger the lives and livelihoods of both Jews at home and abroad. ”