Geminid meteor shower peaks Sunday and Monday nights

Although showers may appear during late evening on Sundays and Mondays, around 2 a.m. is the best time to see meteors wherever you are in the world, according to Earthsky’s forecast. At the time when the radiant point – the point from which the meteors spread – is the highest in the sky. To see when it will come to your part of the world, check here.
Although the Gemini Shower is known for its “Shooting Stars”, the number of meteors appearing depends on time and how dark the sky is. Fortunately, according to AMS, the moon will be only 1% full, so it will be much easier to see meteors rising in the sky.

The asteroid 3200 Phathon is responsible for this meteor shower, which is unusual because it is usually comets, not asteroids, creating meteor showers with icy debris. Scientists have talked a lot about what phathen is. Tracked closer to the nearest constellation to Earth is comparable to a comet, hence the name “rock comet”.

Phaeton was discovered in October-October 1983 and named after a Greek legend about the son of the sun god, Helios, as he approached our sun.

Phathen orbits the Sun more than any other asteroid and takes 1.4 years to complete its orbit. The asteroid heats up to about 1,300 degrees Fahrenheit on an approach close to the sun, causing it to shed dusty debris.

The Hybusa 2 mission takes the first satellite asteroid sample on Earth

These particles cause meteor showers when they travel into the Earth’s atmosphere at a speed of 22 seconds per second, which we call “shooting stars.”

For the best opportunity to see, drive to a place that is not full of bright city lights. If you are able to locate an area affected by light pollution, meteors can appear every minute from 10pm to morning.

Meteors will appear worldwide, but according to AMS, they will appear more in the Northern Hemisphere than in the Southern Hemisphere. People living below the equator will have the best chance of seeing shooting stars during midnight, and even then, fewer of them will be visible than people living in the Northern Hemisphere.

Find an open area with a wide view of the sky and don’t forget to bundle up. Make sure you have a chair or blanket so you can look straight up. And give your eyes about 20 to 30 minutes to adjust to the dark – without looking at your phone – so it’s easier to find meteors.

If you are unable to see the fountain from your location, NASA will broadcast a livestream.

Total solar eclipse

The people of South America will be treated to the final total solar eclipse of 2020 on Monday.

During a total solar eclipse, the moon completely blocks the sun, known as the corona, to form a beautiful ring of light other than the sun’s outer atmosphere.

The path to perfection for this eclipse will be visible to people from Svedra in Chile to Salina del Eje in Argentina. The eclipse should last only two minutes for weather permitting for those on this route.

If you’re on the road, check out to see eclipse times in your area. And don’t forget to wear eclipse glasses while watching the sun. When the sun is completely blocked by the moon – when it is unsafe to look at the sun without perfection.

People outside of this route will see a partial solar eclipse in Southern Chile and Argentina.

NASA will give a live stream of the view from Chile on Monday at 9:40 a.m. – so even if you’re not in South America, you can see this glowing view.

This story was originally updated from a story published in December 2019.
