Gail Gadot will provoke controversy in Israel in her role as Cleopatra

Israeli-born actress Gail Gadot announced on Sunday that she will rejoin the team with “Wonder Woman” director Patti Jenkins in a new film about Egypt’s Queen Cleopatra.

“I like to start new journeys, I like the excitement of new projects, the thrill of bringing new stories to life.”

“Cleopatra is a story I have wanted to tell for a long time. This can’t be overestimated about the team, “Gadot wrote.

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The film will be produced by Paramount Pictures and co-written by Laita Kegloridis in the epic storyline set by Elizabeth Taylor in the famous 1963 classic.

The announcement drew criticism with some railings against casting as Israel’s queen of Egypt, saying no Arab or black woman should have won the role.

Others objected because he was Israeli.

“Which dumbass in Hollywood thought it would be a good idea to cast an Israeli actress as Cleopatra (a very humble looking one) instead of a stunning Arab actress like Nadine Nejem?” Journalist Samira Khan tweeted. “And shame on you, Gail Gadot. Your country is stealing Arab land and you are stealing their movie roles. ”

“How could they cast someone with North African blood! Someone like Sophia Botella! I am so sick of casting white actors and Israelis as pharaohs and Arabs! Gail Gadot should not be Cleopatra, ”another Twitter user wrote.

However, many, including the screenwriter, pointed out that Cleopatra was not Arab or black, but Macedonian Greek.

Chloridis tweeted, “Excited to have the opportunity to tell the story of Cleopatra, my favorite Ptolemaic pharaoh and the most famous Macedonian Greek woman in history.

Cleopatra was the last Ptolemaic ruler of Egypt, descended from Ptolemy I Sotter, a Macedonian Greek general and ally of Alexander the Great.

Others noted that Gadot was a big draw at the box office and that Paramount would not be able to play the role of a stranger in such a big role. This month, Gadot ranks third on Forbes’ list of the world’s highest-earning actresses in 2020.

Gadot did not react to the controversy, but later tweeted that the story of the film Cleopatra would be told for the first time “women’s gaze, both on the back and front of the camera”.

The first “Wonder Woman” film was the highest grossing movie of the summer of 2017, which was released in the US. In 12 412.5 million and earned $ 821.8 million worldwide.

The trailer for the much-anticipated “Wonder Woman 1984” in August Gust has been delayed due to a coronavirus epidemic. In it, Gadot replaces Themiskira’s Amazon Princess Diana, her role as Diana Prince, in the sequel to the 2017 DC film.

Gadot’s Israeli heritage has caused some problems in the Arab world before, prompting Lebanon to ban “Wonder Woman” because she starred in it.

Gadot, who served in the military like most young Israelis, made headlines in 2014 with a Facebook post expressing solidarity with Israeli civilians under Hamas rocket fire and Israeli soldiers fighting the Hamas terrorist group in the Gaza Strip.

“I am sending my love and prayers to my fellow Israeli citizens,” he wrote. “Especially all those boys and girls who are defending my country against the horrific acts committed by Hamas hiding like cowards behind women and children.”