Friday, Aug Gust. 28, Coronavirus data by Michigan County: Isabella stays red, Grand Travers will go orange

Isabella County reported 28 more positive coronavirus cases Thursday, Aug. 28, as Michigan Central County advanced to the highest risk level for spreading the COVID-19 novel virus.

Home to the University of Central Michigan, it is the only Michigan county in red – the highest in a four-color metric developed by the Harvard Global Health Initiative, which sees new cases every 100,000 residents every day.

Isabella County has an average of 31.7 new cases per 100,000 per day, according to data from 21-27 Aug Gust. The next highest county, Menomini, has an average of 17.6 new cases per capita.

Menomini County is joined in the Orange Territory by Saginaw, MomboComb, Branch, Monroe and Grand Trivia Verse counties, all of which have gone on to account for new cases reported in the last 23 crimes.

At the other end of the spectrum, there are seven counties with no new cases reported in the last seven days. They are included in the 10 counties of the Green Zone.

On the map below, readers can place their cursor over the county to see the underlying data. If you can’t see the map, click here.

The latest on coronavirus testing

Mombo County’s positive test rate remains the highest in Michigan, although it is going down. In the past two weeks, Southeast County has processed approximately 1,000,000 tests with an average positive test rate of 9%.

Both Saginaw and Nantonagan counties were previously above the 5% benchmark to determine whether it is safe to reopen schools by the World Health Organization. August. According to data from 13-26, their respective positive test rates have been reduced to 4.97% and 3.86%.

Alpena, Keunav, Luis and Presque Isle – Four counties with a positive test rate of less than 1% of twenty-three counties that have not tested positive in two weeks.

As a state, Michigan has recorded 396,279 diagnostic tests since Aug. 13, with 3.27% positive.

The following map shows the 14-day average test rate by county. Once again, readers can place their cursor over the county to see the underlying data. If you can’t see the map, click here.

More local maps

The following are two maps created by the Epibase Research Group at the Department of Epidemiology at the University of Michigan, which have access to sub-county data collected by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.

Interactive maps divide the state into 10-kilometer hexagons where cases of coronavirus are reported giving a more local view. You can click here to go to the research project website.

The first map looks at cases of coronavirus confirmed and confirmed in the past week. You can click on the hexagon to see the underlying data.

You can use the triangle button at the top right of the map to toggle on another map, showing the total confirmed coronavirus cases and deaths since the epidemic began.

As of Thursday, Aug. 27, Michigan has 99,958 confirmed cases of covid-19 and adult deaths. The state averages 275 new cases and 10 new deaths every day at a seven-day moving average.

For more statewide data, visit MLive’s coronavirus data page here. To find a test site near you, check out the state’s Test Online Test Finder, send an email to [email protected] here, or call 888-535-6136 on weekdays between 8am and 5pm on weekdays.

Covid-19 Rescue Tips:

In addition to washing hands regularly and not touching your face, officials recommend practicing social distance, assuming no one is carrying the virus.

Health officials say you should stay at least 6 feet away from others and work from home if possible.

Use disinfectant wipes or disinfectant spray cleaners on frequently touching surfaces of your home (door handles, faucets, countertops) when you go to places like stores and keep hand sanitizer with you.

Michigan Governorate. Gretchen Whitmer has also issued an executive order requiring people to wear face masks over their mouths and between their noses in public indoor and outside crowded places. See the interpretation of what it means here.

Additional information is available at and

For more information on COVID-19 in Michigan, visit

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