Free Xbox One Games with Gold for August 2020

With August just around the corner, Microsoft has revealed the next quartet of games that will be free to Xbox Live Gold subscribers. August’s Games with Gold includes regular offerings of two Xbox One games and two backward compatible Xbox 360 games that will capture the attention of anyone looking to do dirty motorcycle racing or mass destruction on the red planet.

For all August on Xbox One, you can get the 2016 Portal Knights, a survival action RPG, while the most recent Override: Mech City Brawl It will allow you to crush large colorful robots in mid-month and throughout September. Thanks to backward compatibility, you can kick up some mud in the first fortnight of August with the best motocross bikes 2004 had to offer in MX unleashed, or you can terraform Mars with explosives in the first red faction sequel to August 16.

While waiting for August’s gifts to be released, there is still time to enjoy the July Gold Games, which include the FIA ​​WRC World Rally Championship, Dunk Lords and Juju.

Xbox games with gold for August 2020

Xbox One


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Playing now: Free Xbox One and Xbox 360 games with gold for August 2020 revealed